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comfort stop

A comfort stop is when you go to the toilet for whatever reason, e.g. if you have to drop off a deuce, go for a slash or a line of coke
Rather used by older women

Tour guide: Ok gents, does anyone need a comfort stop?
Dude: Oh hell yeah, I have to piss like a racehorse, bitch!

by Santacruzshores January 6, 2006

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Comfort Album

Folklore by taylor swift

"omg folklore by taylor swift is my COMFORT ALBUM"

by zerologic101 May 18, 2021

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Comfortable Friends

Two friends that are comfortable with each other to do anything and talk about anything. This is very close to an open relationships the only difference is that you are not labeling it as a relationship.

A comfortable friends is someone you can feel 100% yourself around them. the first thing the pops into your head you can say or do around them and they can to you. you are never weirded out by them and vice-versa.

often time relationship can be 'down-graded' to Comfortable Friends status. since Comfortable friends status give you to the joy of thier company in the same way as the relationship (the physical and the emomtional aswell as the stupid hanging outs) without the preasure or stigmas of beinging in a realtionship.

I get along with this one guy so well, but I don't want to be tied down so we are comfortable friends

"are you and mike going out, sarah?"
"no not anymore, we are just comforable friends"

being comfortable friends just seems to work better for john and myself, we are a little more grounded to other parts of life now.

by Wow, I want to have fun March 20, 2009

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Under comfortable

When you are not comfortable and people peer pressure you and you get under comfortable

Lexi made me under comfortable when she called me

by Cameron bmx January 10, 2021

Classic Comfort

When someone fails beforehand (earlier during the week, for example) and then pulls off the same fail at a later given time, forcing you to proclaim this term.

Guy1: Did Mike just lose at beer pong?
Guy2: Yes. Yes, he did.
Guy1: Didn't he lose earlier tonight....and last night, too?
Guy2: No doubt about it.
Guy1 & Guy2: (in unison) Classic Comfort!

by Cumfirst December 7, 2009


For men or women: When going out in public and not wanting to dress appropriately due to desiring comfort over style and not caring what anyone thinks -- dressing down in one's at-home comfy clothes. Not shaving, etc. Looking like you just woke up, a bum.

Hey, let's go out tonight? Ok! But I'm dressing Bum-comfortable, like it or not!

by Brandon Brando August 27, 2011

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Comfortably Dumb

Mildly intoxicated on alcohol or other substances, or just enough to dull the senses. A state of chemically induced temporary happiness. A bastardization of the phrase Comfortably Numb.

After a long day of work, John was happy to roll a fat joint and become comfortably dumb, even with the knowledge that most of the chips in his house might disappear.

by vagrant_real-estate_agent July 1, 2012