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Crispy Slides

Power point slides that are so good, they are crispy

Man, I just sent my deck over to the MD and he really liked them. Those were some crispy slides.

by Banker22 September 24, 2021

Droppin Crispies

1. A richly historied meta-phrase with deep roots in the annals of literature. It is said to transcend meaning. Misusing it is considered a grievous faux-pas among literary adepts.
2. Derived from the rapper-maxim "drop it like it's hot." When one "drops a crispy," they have waited too long to drop the hot object, and now they are all burned up.

Person 1: "Greetings, fellow. How fares the wind in your sails?"
Person 2: "I got the rolly on my arm and I'm pouring Chandon, And I roll the best weed cause I got it going on."
Person 1: "That sounds superlative. Did I mention how much I like your loafers?"
Person 2: "Sorry, could you repeat that? All I heard were roaring flames as you started Droppin Crispies. We can't be friends anymore, man."

by ElevenSecretFlavors September 24, 2010

crispy water

Crispy water is basically lettuce,the most tasteless,bland vegetable ever grown. Hence the name, lettuce is basically Crispy Water.

Crispy Water FTW!!!
Dylan: Got any Lettuce???
Conor: Screw that Crispy Water

by Dyl' August 3, 2010

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crispy critter

A person who has suffered extensive, usually fatal, burns.

Military slang, but applicable to the civilian world.

There was one casualty in the hotel fire, a crispy critter.

by robert January 19, 2005

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Rice crispies

Cold hard cash that is meant to be spent on hash.

I g'd some rice crispies from da rich cracker so I could get me more weed.

by CHRI s July 29, 2005

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Ass Crispy

An ass crispy: the lint at the top of your asscrack mixed with sweat and discharge after strenuous activity. The color varies depending on the undergarment color you are wearing. Commonly mistaken for dingleberries.

Ewww! Don't flick your ass crispy at me!

by Kevin Pacella June 21, 2008

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Crispy Concords

A Fucking Legend

You wish you were Crispy Concords

by Dudeitsme19 December 15, 2020

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