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cube cornering

an uncomfortable work situation where a coworkers get extremely close to you in your cube and corners you in. This typically happens when they look at something on your computer screen or come in to tell you some gossip. The key here is not only does the person infringe on your space, the person also stays around too long. One could be cube cornering a coworker for several minutes.

First thing Monday morning, Michael Jan did his usual cube cornering on me. I had to ask him to leave after a couple of extremely uncomfortable minutes.

by Brent Hoo July 19, 2006

32πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

game cube

One of several modern gaming platforms with good quality graphics and gameplay. It is a good choice for gaming fans due to the unique and interesting games released for it. Neither better or worse than the X-Box and PS2 in general, for each system has it's own unique advantages.

I can't decide whether to buy a Game Cube, XBox, or PS2... they all kick ass.

by Jumper5 April 20, 2003

818πŸ‘ 227πŸ‘Ž

Cube Entertainment

Cube entertainment is a music company in which all the artist are dating or probably dating each other.

Someone: Hey, aren’t those two from cube entertainment.
Someone else: yeah, they’re probably dating

by Blinkblinkhoe August 4, 2018

19πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Cube Farm

n. The vain attempt to produce privacy in an otherwise open-office layout through the placement of shared partitions in a box-like arrangement around each adjoining work area.

This lousy office hive is nothing but one big fucking cube farm!

by D'emon November 6, 2002

74πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

cube horizon

In a vast cubicle office environment, when one stands up in one's own cube and looks along the tops of the many cube walls stretching out to the horizon. The cube horizon can be interrupted by the heads of people walking around. And by many heads at once if there is a loud, unexplained noise in the area. This can result in a phenomenom called prairie-dogging: many people stand up and look around like prairie dogs coming out of their holes.

I first came across "cube horizon" in James Hynes' novel "Kings of Infinite Space."

Having decided to sneak out early, Manfred casually stood up and surveyed the cube horizon for those that might spot him.

by Anonymus Bosch June 30, 2006

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Cube Farm

A cluster of cubicles in an office. From the top down, they look like an art farm or bee nest, hiving productive little workers into their cells.

I'm glad I have my own office now, escaping the dreaded cube farm.

by Denis Baldwin December 22, 2003

171πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

Gleaming the Cube

To push your self to dangerous new limits, hence being outside of the cube and able to polish it creating the gleaming effect.

Driving a car without a seat belt at 5mph in an empty car park.

by David Harrison April 18, 2005

391πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž