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Defensive Dialing

The act of pulling out your cell phone after seeing someone you know but want to avoid conversing with them. The hope is that they see that you are busy on your phone, so they decide they shouldn't approach you. This must be done before the person notices that you in fact, saw them first.

I saw my old neighbor outside while I was checking the mail today. I pulled out my cell phone and started defensive dialing so that I wouldn't have to get stuck talking to him for the next 10 minutes.

by Deadinlivingform May 27, 2011

Sheridan Defense

When you piss off all the bad guys so they'll kill each other fighting over who gets to kill you. Named after Commander John Sheridan of Babylon 5. Also known as the Dresden Defense, after Harry Dresden.

You're in debt to the Crips AND the Bloods? Holy shit dude, way to use the Sheridan Defense.

Babylon 5 Dresden Files Brass Balls

by Haplo781 November 19, 2013

disney defense

To follow ones heart no matter what anyone else tells you.

Jon skipped out on rehab with the Disney defense.

by LordShahagan November 26, 2014

Defensive Daniel’s

Daniel Defense fanboys who simp for the company regardless of their bootlicking roots

Everyone: I don’t understand why these Defensive Daniel’s cuck so hard for a mid tier rifle like they’re some tier 1 operators

Defensive Daniels: OMG but muh MK18 is gonna help me look so good across my Hawaiian shirt in the boogaloo

by Daddy's Hard Candy April 9, 2023

Defensive Consultant

A hockey player who is overpaid to stand in a defensive position without any tangible results.

Wade Redden was a $6.5M defensive consultant for the NY Rangers who was sent to the minors after inflecting years of pain.

by keepyourheadup April 29, 2011

Zimmerman Defense

Usually armed with guns, engaging with hopefully unarmed person(s), looking for trouble, gets into a losing conflict, shoots and then cry victim.

When cited you shouldn't have been there bothering people in the first place, causing drama snd caught hands, the alleged shooter pulls "The Zimmerman Defense " and cry "self defense" to the Judge.

by SkyNet313 November 21, 2021

Defense Force

A term used by people who are too stupid to form any other arguement agaisnt the fans of a product.

"Here comes the Defense Force to protect their product, they are mega virgins!!1!111!1!11111!!!!!!!!1!1

by Densest May 25, 2018