A stupid person who ask dumb questions they damn well know the answer to
Friend: Hey can you come to my house this weekend?
Me: No I just told you I'm grounded!
Friend: oh sorry I forgot...
Me: You are such a dip
v. to leave, or to remove oneself from a certain situation, usually a bad one
-"Yo the cops just rolled up to the party."
-"Fuck, fo real? Let's dip over this back fence. I'm too fucked up to deal with their shit."
A Stupid/retard and or idiot. Can also be a jerk.
Dude, your such a dip.
Dip is an abbreviation for dip shit, a dip is someone who does not know what he/she is talking about; a moron; has a habit of being loud and wrong, often.
"Dude shut the fuck up you're such a dip."
"man I tried talking to him one time but he's such a dip."
Dip - Old school slang for pickpocket.
" I knew this one dip that dipped a police officers pocket and did not get caught