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A stupid person who ask dumb questions they damn well know the answer to

Friend: Hey can you come to my house this weekend?
Me: No I just told you I'm grounded!
Friend: oh sorry I forgot...
Me: You are such a dip

by Dolantwins1999 March 5, 2017


to get the hell outta there

Ima bout to Dip from work cuz it's lame

by kcool14 April 15, 2011


v. to leave, or to remove oneself from a certain situation, usually a bad one

-"Yo the cops just rolled up to the party."

-"Fuck, fo real? Let's dip over this back fence. I'm too fucked up to deal with their shit."

by nittygritty21 July 14, 2009


A Stupid/retard and or idiot. Can also be a jerk.

Dude, your such a dip.

by nerf12 October 25, 2008


Dip is an abbreviation for dip shit, a dip is someone who does not know what he/she is talking about; a moron; has a habit of being loud and wrong, often.

"Dude shut the fuck up you're such a dip."
"man I tried talking to him one time but he's such a dip."

by Xavior October 13, 2016


A stupid person; someone who doesn't do anything correct.

You're a fucking dip.

by Click here October 9, 2014


Dip - Old school slang for pickpocket.

" I knew this one dip that dipped a police officers pocket and did not get caught

by A.W.O.L August 21, 2022