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A complete and total asshole. Beyond the realm of bastard or shithead; a douchebag is a title given to those not only showing exceptional skill in being a total prick, but taking above-average enjoyment in their dirty deed. To appropriatly call someone a "douchebag" they need to be at least an asshole, but have at least a hint of malice in their actions.

"That dude broke into a house, killed the dog, raped the wife in front of the family, then drank the last of the beer! What a douchebag!"

by ronin July 10, 2004

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a vile obnoxious piece of shit.

joe lieberman is a douchebag.

by hedda March 28, 2007

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a mother fucking jackass that noone likes

Bob- Basharat is such a douchebag
Joe- Why?
Bob- hes just an ass hole for no reason and he has no friends
Joe- true

by wtfsapseudonym? October 22, 2009

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A very infectious disease that affects mostly white 20 something males turning them into egocentric steroid using assholes with orange skin. Various strains of Douchebag have been Idenitfied.

1. The Frat Douche- this strain has ravaged college's across the U.S since orginating at Arizona State in the early 1990's highly contagious it turns high school seniors into full fledged douchebags rapidly after infection. Symptoms include drinking Keystone or Natty Ice beer and wearing popped collars and sunglasses even when indoors

2. The Ed Hardy douche- showed up in small numbers in 2007 but didn't explode until Jon Gosselin became infected. Sypmtoms include wearing T-shirts with a flaming tiger on them and dating two or more skanks at the same time.

3. The Statan Island Douche- The newest strain of douchebag to appear first showed up in late 2009 charcterized a very inflated ego and uncontrolled muscle spasms that result in punching of the air. Skin turns a very odd orange color muscle sized increases and hair becomes thick with grease and and is often spiked. Unlike other strains of douchebag the Statan Island appears to affect women at an alarming rate. their symptoms include wearing cheetah print clothing, large amounts of eye liner and drinking large shots of Tequllia.

If you see a douchebag infected person or you yourself are infected please Quarantine yourself and call the CDC as soon as possible.

by lolmakingfunofpeoplelol December 6, 2011

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Douchebags are typically smug, and exude self-confidence. However, rarely are they actually self-confident, but are usually more likely lacking self-confidence. There are the rare breeds that are so deluded that they believe they are cool, when no one else thinks so. In this case, they are not lacking self-confidence, but are just deluded.

From popular culture:

John Denver (as seen on Southpark)
John Denver is the biggest douchebag in the universe.

by Heidi Wicks November 28, 2007

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A Princeton, Harvard, Yale, or Columbia University student.

Princeton Student: "Why, my good man, your 401K is clearly inferior to mine. If you were any lower on the financial scale, I would be shocked that you're even allowed to vote!"

Dartmouth student: " . . . Wow, you are an unbelievable douchebag."

by mrbob1382487385 April 17, 2010

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When someone pulls a move that would earn them the title "Douchebag", one is said to have douchebagged, i.e. if one were to horribly misspell a word online or walk into something in public.

John: What are you doing friday night?
Bertha: Im rniung a ramhthaon.
John: Wow, you just douchebagged.

Joey and Mike are walking through the mall, and Joey sees a gorgeous woman, and, whilst staring at her, accidentally trips over an ornamental pillar base and face-plants in front of dozens of people. Mike then says, "Whoa, you douchebagged big time, man!"

by jodere March 5, 2007

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