the word that the gods have blessed us with, eggy is a sign of negativeness/positiveness.
1. that's eggy mate I'm not eating that shit 2. oh my fucking god you lucky eggy motherfucker
look like or rich in egg
substitute for edgy in order to make a pun
Dang, that waffle tasted really eggy.
You look eggy today john smith.
a specific scent used to describe something absolutely pungent
French toast
But with bread
I had some eggy bread for breakfast this morning
When you simp too much for people online, but not in real life
person 1: "bro, why do you act so different online"
person 2: " yea bro, you be simping for everyone"
person 3: "bro , I don't simp for anyone"
person 1: "Eggy boi moment"
When you simp too much for people online, but not in real life
person 1: "bro, why do you act so different online"
person 2: " yea bro, you be simping for everyone"
person 3: "bro , I don't simp for anyone"
person 1: "Eggy boi moment"
An Eggy waffle is an extremely smelly fart that stinks and lingers for a while
It is extremely hard to get rid of an Eggy waffle Febreze is usually required to mask the smell or failing that get the fuck out of the room.