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A fake or a group of fakes is usually when someone has a fake personality or is a hypocrite or just 'that' UGLY

fake beans make me depressed

by pewdiepies mum March 29, 2019


fake has many meaning , but in nyc terms it means like for real

lenzo: yo jolany is fake tough
aj: true

by nyc..lingo July 7, 2023


Some girls that don't know how to stick up for u

Hi u look so cute can I be ur friend I'm trustworthy
Sure I really don't get much friends

O this is gonna be easy

by Queenamiah May 11, 2018


When someone is being extra salty, or decides to do the opposite of what is expected that everyone thought they would do. On the other hand being "Fake" is a more current attribute that most people are starting to be like. If you know someone who is fake, fair warning you better run.

Wow Zach is being so fake today.

by klsaurenson April 20, 2017


When you don’t check up on, call, or text a person in a very long time, but y’all “friends”

Mannn you fake asf

by JussSpeakingFacts January 12, 2022



Person 1: what is the fakest thing somebody ever said that people actually believed?
Person 2: That Scientology was real

by 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 April 3, 2018


"Fake" is something you are if you ain't yourself and pretend to be someone you aren't to gain popularity or "friends."

Jimmy: Tim is so fake. He literally apologised to Bethany for tripping her over and they kissed in front of the whole school just to show off
Joel: I know right.

by Jimmy The Bartender ('-') August 3, 2019