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Everybody knows better. You don't think what you think. You don't think what you say you think. You should think what THEY need you to think. Your motivations can't be articulated. They can only be inferred. The contents of your mind aren't your own. You are a blank canvas who serves no purpose other than to be painted to illustrate the speculations of others. Framed to their liking and walked past dispassionately in the museum of life. Maybe one of the CURATORS will pay you some attention every once and a while. Explain to the mob what you mean. You have no ability to express yourself. You can't know the contents of your own mind. You can only be observed. And if they're wrong? Who gives a shit? IT doesn't matter. Even though IT is you.

Hym "Everybody know better. Even though they don't. It doesn't. It won't matter. You'll be dead soon... And it'll be like you had never existed at all..."

by Hym Iam February 23, 2023

Everybody’s Daddy

A Twitter user who tweets lots of intelligent takes on football, music and day to day living. Lover of Arsenal and Kendrick Lamar, also has a crush on Nigerian actress Simi

Look a new tweet from Everybody’s Daddy

by Agbaa June 6, 2024

Here Comes Everybody

The river runs into the sea
The sun must shine today
As my imagination is about to slip away
Milk and honey waiting for me on the other side
It's early in the morning
And I thought I heard you
I miss you
I miss you
You know I miss you
When I'm not with you
Who kissed you?
Who kissed you?
You know I miss you
When I'm not with you
Milk and honey waiting for me on the other side
I'll never fall in love again
But you could change my mind
I miss you
I miss you

You know I miss you
When I'm not with you
I lost you in a lonely crowd
You wanted to be free
You wanted to be somone else
I'll always disagree
Milk and honey waiting for me on the other side
It's late at night then almost light
I thought I heard you
I miss you
I miss you
You know I miss you
When I'm not with you
Who kissed you?
Who kissed you?
You know I miss you
When I'm not with you

Don't touch me
Don't touch me
Don't touch me on Sunday
When I'm with you
I can see myself falling to the ground
When I'm not with you

I can watch the leaves falling to the ground
When I'm with you
I can see myself falling to the ground
When I'm not with you

I can watch the leaves falling to the ground
When I'm not with you
I can hear your voice calling, calling, calling
When I'm with you
I can see myself falling to the ground
When I'm not with you

I can watch the leaves falling, falling, falling
When I'm not with you

I can watch the leaves falling to the ground
Don't touch me
Don't touch me
You kissed him on Sunday

Here Comes Everybody

by Death Menace June 25, 2023

You're not better than everybody!

*Proceeds to do lie (by ommission and otherwise) and misrepresent things and sabotage me to present that as evidence that I'm not better than everyone*

Candace Owens "Right back at you!"

Hym "Hey, I'm glad you brought that up Candy! I was just watching a couple of videos the other day. One called 'Why do people hate smart people?' (Or something along those lines) And one by Mr. Brain and I hit he talks about Arthur Schopenhauer's explanation for why people hate smart people. His claim is that smart people hold a mirror up to that shows people their own limitations. Get it Candy? So you are doing THAT... Right back at me. Except manually. What I do to you I do by virtue of simply existing. THAT is what the weaponized schizophrenia IS. That phenomenon pointed out by Arthur Schopenhauer IS the thing I'm talking about. YOUR RESPONSE... To Schopenhauer's cognitive self-threat... IS the thing you are doing to me. Active Avoidance. Devaluation. Hostile Aggression. All of the signs are there. Posthumous Vindication Syndrome is kicking in. Where you are actively waiting for me to die or be imprisoned. Aha! Holy shit! Good job Mr. Brain and other guy... (Hold on. I'll look it up....... APATHY. The Name of the channel is APATHY. That actually explains perfectly what is happening here. The passive aggressive behavior. You're just dumb. You want me to get my shit stolen so I have to be like the rest of you."

A fucking retard "You're not better than everybody!!"

Hym "Yes I am. And you know what your response is going to be the second I get the credit and the money I deserve? No matter how militant you are about me not getting it... Your response will inevitably be 'Meh! Whatever...' So, that's what you need to do here. You need to give me my credit and my money, go 'Meh whatever,' and then do what you would be doing if I was hanging from a ceiling fan or fed myself a bullet and go back to not giving a shit about my existence LIKE YOU DO WITH THE REST OF THESE FUCKING RETARDS WHILE SIT THERE AND DROOL ON YOURSELVES AS YOU WAIT FOR MY AI TO SAVE YOU FROM YOUR PLIGHT. And you're right, Candy, it's just like the female hysteria thing."

by Hym Iam February 22, 2025

Everybody and they mom's

This term is used when one is trying to exaggerate and talk about how someone socializes or communicates with a large group of people.

Person 1: I am not a social person.
Person 2: Oh really! Just last week you was telling everybody and they mom's about the shit that you were going through.

by Bitch Voss Ass December 13, 2018

everybody loves raymond

we all do
you do
i do
my serial killer neighbor does
michael jackson does
obama does
kurtis conner does
literally everyone does

neil cicierega: EVeRyBOdY LovEs RayMOnD
me: same
you: same
my cereal killer neighbor: same
michael jackson: same
obama: same
kurtis conner: same
literally everyone: same

by human i think February 4, 2023

Everybody Falls

Fall Guys Original Soundtrack

X: "hey, everybody falls is the best soundtrack ever"

Y: "yes."

by Ocapa hacker September 27, 2021