super intelligent and beautiful Bonobo-like rich-girl/sack artist with perfect breasts and the ass of a tennis-playing 25 year old. Has a tendency to perform fellatio as if she truly enjoys it. Also loads of slippery fun to shower with!! If you meet a dela frenzy, there’s a good chance you’re gonna fall in love
Ya heard? There’s a 99% chance I’m
Gonna hang out with a dela Frenzy ON THURSDAY!!!! HOLLA
Frenzy Farm is/was a POI in Fortnite Battle Royale, that appeared in Chapter 2 Season 1. It follows the same scheme as other previous farms in the series
Hey, what's your favorite drop? Mine is Frenzy Farm, there's so much loot there!
Any situation where everything visible is PG, but anything goes where vision is obscured. Often applies to public pools.
Jon had such a frenzy of activity in the pool that they had to drain it later to clean