Fritz is a word founded in 2023/2024. The world is from Slovakia. Fritz means hippo, but it has also a lot of different uses. You can use Fritz everywhere anywhere whenever you want. You can use it as Thanks, Fuck you, Kys or any other meaning you think of.
That is Fritz.(To je Fritzka)
The film is Fritz.(Ten film je strašna fritzovinka)
He’s him ,a nice guy with a giant
D*ck ,wonderful person best person you’ll ever meet
Probably a trans person who named themselves after a fnaf character
“Fritz is very homosexualy homo.”
“Fritz is a dilf fucker.”
A loyal fried who is hilarious though does make dirty jokes. He may not attract many girls he has 3 loyal friends and we are lucky to have him around.
Fritz is a great friend.
When someone can't formulate a sentence perfectly and stutters a lot.
Used when you want to make fun and, or bully your friends. When your friends does Fritz, you immediatly have to say FRITZ to make sure they know they messed up.
Person A: I'd like a, a, a....
Person B: FRITZ!