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Fuck Bitches Get Money

A life motto for all.

"Hey man, I'm feeling down."
"Fuck Bitches Get Money, dude."
"You are right! Let's go!"

by ssattyOU September 26, 2011

227πŸ‘ 137πŸ‘Ž

cute ass fucking bitch


makayla thinks hollis is a cute ass fucking bitch

by makaΓΏlaa October 11, 2019

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Chase money fuck bitches

Go after money, disregard the opposite gender (or anyone in your way)

Lukas:” Dang she kinda fine I’m make her mine”
Me:” Shes a cheater. She will make you broker than broke. Work for your money. Chase money fuck bitches”

by xcorruptedprophetx February 12, 2021

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

fucking on your bitch

In Ricegums words, " I'm fucking on your bitch now, on your bitch now. " In It's Everynight Sis. ( PLUGGGG ) Meaning I have your bitch and you're a piece of SHIT!

Ricegum: "I'm fucking on your bitch now, on your bitch now."`

by 23famay@cometcloud.net August 1, 2017

4πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

fucking dog sucking bitch

Some thing you say to some one when they kill you in a game


by Conner, The Recorder Of Justin March 8, 2021

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Don't fuck with my bitch

1) What you say when you tell a nigga/cracka who frontin' to lay off your bitch.
2) should have been the title of that Nivea song...it wouldn't suck so much then.

1) Don't fuck with my bitch nigga or the pigs gonna find you and your family in a dark alley lyin' in chalk.
2) Don't fuck with my bitch, I'm a be the one to break it to you, got my niggaz and my bitch, so find yo own ho and leave mine alone yo.

by Nick D March 6, 2003

28πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

fuck shit ass bitch

sum one so shitty only these 4 words can ex plane it

your a fuck shit ass bitch

by some one who didn' give a fuck November 5, 2017

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