someone that is a complete fuckwit/idiot
your a complete fuckwit now fuck off cunt
A person that is generally a dickhead; that usually annoys everyone.
Person 1 - Bro your mother should have aborted you, extra chromosome cunt.
Person 2 - Shut the fuck up you fuckwit.
A Norwegian Dickhead who bullies people,
fuckwits are usually around 10-15 years of age, they often associate to tik tokers and
people who flex trying to show off to girls.
This kid was bullying and flexing at school what a Fuckwit
Someone really stupid or dumb.
"Dude Josh is SUCH a fuckwit."
"I have to agree bro, he is so dumb."
An absolute moron, the worst way you can describe a person's intelligence or a person that does Jackshit.
That utter Fuckwit.
The current Prime minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
A person so inept and clueless that no matter what they do they will screw everything up, from Oven Ready deals to world beating covid track and trace programs to other lies a Fuckwit will screw them all up.
My god the PM has lied again, this is like the fifth time this week, and it's only Tuesday, what a Fuckwit.