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Commonly used in the SoulsBorne community by Veteran players as advice for new players

Can also be used to troll newer players aswell

Newb: I've been on this 1 boss for an hour now, it feels impossible how did you do this?
Vet: These games aren't for the weak they don't hold your hand, you gotta find out things for yourself I did it and if you GiT GuD then someday so will you.

Newb: How am I supposed to beat this boss he's just hitting through my attacks?

Troll: lmao GiT GuD scrub XD

by Nunyadambidnis February 28, 2022

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git rekt

The Appropriate Thing To Say When Someone In Your Game Is Absolute Garbage And They Die And Possibly Screw A Teammate In The Process

Git Rekt, Your Soo Trash

by OOOF_LIF3 January 28, 2019

Git fukt

Essentially the same as "get rekt" but takes it up to the next level. Meant to be used to challenge others again once they've already been destroyed so that you may destroy them again and assert your dominance.

Gamer 1: "GIT FUKT NERD!"
Gamer 2: "Alright, this time I'm gonna destroy you."

by Yorugami November 26, 2018

Feeble Git

A being who is rather large and most likely has ginger hair. Synonym to 'beast' or 'absolute unit'.

Get the f**k over here you feeble git!

by bobstinger February 15, 2019

dirty git

git - person - usually stupid or nasty in their behaviour. Right git, stupid git, dirty git.

Can be used when making jest of somebody's actions, e.g. have you just tripped over? You stupid git. You should have watched where you was going then.
Used when highlighting someones perverse nature as in when someone relays a filthy joke - the dirty git, you dirty git. A girlfriend seeing her boyfriend looking at page three may exclaim, You dirty git!

by dmr1970 November 29, 2010

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git gud

Insider joke between programmers that is said when a new programmer is complaining about the versioning tool git, other more experienced programmers will tell the new programmer to write in the terminal the command "git gud" or "sudo git gud" because git is used in the command line and is called by writing "git" followed by parameters, so they are implying that the tool is not the problem, is the new programmer lack of experience that is the problem and as such s/he has to "git gud".

Junior dev: git is fucking shit, i hate it, it is overcomplicated and unnecessary, how tf am i supposed to merge my branch to a remote repository? what command it is? git branch-merge?
Senior dev: it's easy, git gud
Junior dev: *types it* it does not work!
Senior dev: sudo git gud

by Someone like God, but better September 11, 2020

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(ee-jit) someone whose BBS posts are stunningly moronic, and who cannot seem to shut up; one who picks needless fights over minor grammar violations or other bits of minutiae

User 1: Who are you looking for? Which character?
User 2: Excuse me, but I believe the correct word is 'whom.'
User 3: Don't be an e-git. We all know what he means.

by BattleSchoolGraduate July 19, 2006

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