Source Code

peter griffin

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wow that's cool peter griffin rox

by Luke93 April 14, 2007

2686👍 350👎

brian griffin

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Brian Griffin...he's one crazy dawg!


1001👍 141👎

Riding the Griffin


From World of Warcraft, where players have nothing better to do for eight minutes while traveling from one place to another on their griffin.

Three guys playing WoW and talking on teamspeak.

Guy 1: Hey, Guy 2.

(no reply)

Guy 3: He must be off riding the griffin.

by Pyromaniakkk December 29, 2010

19👍 1👎

Ken Griffin

CEO of the hedge fund Shitadel, known for being an (alleged) liar, a cheat, and a market manipulator. Naked shorting of GME is his forte and seemingly has a love for mayo and bedposts.

person 1: Look at that short ladder attack right at the opening bell. Looks like Ken Griffin is back on his bullshit again.

by radrach23 February 16, 2022

20👍 1👎

Lois Griffin

The mom in family guy who is loved by everybody except Stewie

Lois Griffin: hi Stewie how are you?
Stewie Griffin: shut up woman!

by Kidswillbekids May 31, 2020

23👍 1👎

griffins bridge

the area between your arse and your sack

man i got an itch tryin to cross griffins bridge

by j j mclure June 28, 2009

chris griffin

chris griffin= fat, dumb and blond

Chris Griffin : hey stewie, i just had a nap. do you want an eye booger?
stewie:aaaaggggghhhhh*whacks chris with stick*

by digity cat July 28, 2007

118👍 19👎