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Someone who doesn’t help their friend when they are jumped. Then lies about jumping in

Yer mans a big guppy. He did nothing in the scrap

by Guppymuncher5000 June 20, 2021


Anything and everything magic. This word can pertain to either a magic trick or an actual magician itself. If it's good, you can guarantee it's a guppy.

Wow look at that magicians over there! Did she just disappear into dust?! Wow she's so good!!! She is definitely a guppy!!

by Rheino April 21, 2015


An individual who does not assist a friend in need, whilst said friend is getting jumped.

Brian Backsythe is a guppy.

by Barbra Strychnine June 20, 2021


a playful nickname for someone who is being mean.

"You're such a guppy!"

by ThatHoScotty May 11, 2009


It's a terminology used to describe that mind blowing urge for pleasure while at the same time feeling completely satisfied and relaxed like you but also the feeling like you have the urge to de-stress because you are left sexually or emotionally unsatisfied all at the same time. It's a high we have all experienced or will experience.

when you feel really high or the highest you can get or even that mind blowing pleasure when your high hits you.

Guppies!!! Or you have guppies

by RU3Y3LUE October 28, 2020


A female living in the backwoods of Florida, often found drunk at a concert

That girl is definitely a guppy

by BoondoxSaint666 March 18, 2018


When your man/lady does some stupid ass but they’re so cute while doing it, that you can’t yell at them

Him: *slaps his belly to the 20 century fox theme*
Her: he is such a guppy

by Mr.bonz July 5, 2020