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how to basic

A youtuber who has an egg fetish and loves to throw them at random objects

Hey Gavin Van Dam have you seen How to basic's new youtube video

by Fartingman20 April 3, 2018

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hows the pie

a phrase taken from an awkward scene in the film Spider-man 3. It can be used in palce of "how's your day" or"how are you" and the response , if the person is well, should be "sooo good :D"

person 1: Hows the pie, man? person2: sooooo good :D

by harry osborn May 17, 2007

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how's the form

Inquiring as to someone's temprement or physical wellbeing. Another way of saying "how are you doing?"

John- "Yes Joe, how's the form lad?"

Joe- "Aye, not too bad. And yerself?"

by jus me August 30, 2008

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How It's Made

An Awesome Show That Shows People How Shits Built

Sam:Let's Watch How It's Made!
Jesse:Hell Yeah!

by Seagulls Of Santa!!! August 14, 2008

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how rude

A commonly used catchphrase of Stephanie Tanner of the sitcom Full House.

DJ: If Mr. Bear's related to anyone in this room its the mattress.

Stephanie: Mr Bear says, how rude.

by TaurusBaby04 July 7, 2020

For reference this is how

A YouTube tutorial video that shows someone's asshole, It gained 20 million views in 2 days and it became a trend for people to post their live reactions to the video

That video (can't name him lmfao): "For reference this is how hairy my butthole is"
Person reacting to it: "what the actual fuck"

by Ayan0sfave July 13, 2023

hows it rollin

Hows it rollin is a term used by gangstas translating to "are you on drugs"
If someone says "hows it rollin" and you are on drugs (usually weed or marijuana) you say "is rollin"

If you are not on drugs you say "its hangin" because your hangin around waiting for da stuff

Hey Tyrone my nigga hows it rollin

Hey yo is rollin Jamal

by Is_me_Deshawn March 4, 2016