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Anything is anything and everything is equivalent to anything, similar to anyone which is equivalent to everyone which sums up EVERYTHING therefore summing up the universe.

Good luck figuring that one out.

And remember, anything is EQUIVALENT to everything, and everything is the universe so that means,

anything = THE UNIVERSE

by TheGirlWhoGossipsInTheCorner August 24, 2022


literally anything

I can do anything I want!!

by Percy Bruer January 4, 2024


Something you can find in the Urban Dictionary.

"Hey what can you find in the Urban Dictionary?"

by ollieieie October 3, 2021


Anything can be a vibrator if you put your mind to it.
If you see something that is the right (or even wrong) shape point at it and yell anything!

(Points at a pair of scissors)

by I am a wolf November 15, 2023


You can use “anything” as a vibrator if you put your mind to it
If you see something that is the right shape for the job point at it and say anything.

(Points at scissors), ANYTHING!

by I_amawolf145 November 22, 2023


Whatever it takes

Hym "Anything? Because... I'm super easy to bribe..."

by Hym Iam June 9, 2022


Used to define a thing or number of things wihtout limits or paramaters. Typically used to describe a concept for which the confines cannot be reasonably determined.

Q:What do you think Omar is willing to put in his butt?
A: Anything.
Q:Wait, like there is no limit or paramaters to what Omar will put in his butt?
A: Exactly, anything, meaning the the confines to what exactly Omar will put in his butt cannot be reasonably determined.

by jroc1906 February 9, 2022