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Holmaf illusion

The Holmaf illusion is a famous illusion discovered by Mike Hawk.

1: Hey wanna see the Holmaf illusion with me?
2: What's the Holmaf illusion?
3: Hold ma fucking balls in yo mouth.

by spookianne September 21, 2023

Illusions of Pretense

The return volley of "Delusions of Adequacy", referring to elitist assumptions that any viable corpus of art, logic, or science generated from outside their circle is therefore inherently meritless.

Any brain trust that harbors such Illusions of Pretense about Tinker is doing him a favor not signing him.

by Zappin' Nap July 26, 2024

The optical illusion

Getting a handy from a midget while wearing horse-blinders so that all you can see is a pair of tiny hands on your junk making your junk look huge.

I've waited my whole life to get the optical illusion, and it made me feel great!

by Dump truck January 3, 2017

The Illusive Stevens

Someone that's always on the phone, and yet you can never seem to find him.

Not unless it's Monday !!

TheIllusiveStevens ImfamousC mondaymadness Gowarn Slut Coldbox Rite Buh InfamousS Illusive The Illusive Stevens

by FridgeRanger August 18, 2017