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what is love? love is that feeling u get w/e ur w/ that special someone. and you will still get this feeling even if uve been together for 10 years. love is when u would die, give up everything for that one person.It's when you trust the other with your life and when you would do anything for each other. When you love someone you want nothing more than for them to be truly happy no matter what it takes because that's how much you care about them and because their needs come before your own. You hide nothing of yourself and can tell the other anything because you know they accept you just the way you are and vice versa.

i mean love is too complicated to explain.. well heres something that is pretty close..well as close as ive gotten:

its when u except there faults bcuz they're a part of who you are; when u stay w/ them no matter what and faithfully without regret. its when u would give them your heart, your life, your death and stay bcuz a mix of pain and relation pulls you in so close you can hardly breathe and hols you there...
its when that special person is the first thing they think of when they wake up and the last thing they think of before they go to sleep. and thats wat i think love is really about..even though it is hard to explain ^.^

Body: Do You Love Someone this Much?"
Body: Girl: Slow down, I'm scared.
Guy: No, this is fun.
Girl: No it's not. Please it's too scary!
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine I love you. Slow down!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.
Girl : *hugs him*
Guy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on yourself? It's bugging me.
Girl: Alright, now slow down
Guy: I love you babe

(in the paper the next day):
A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of brake failure. Two people were on it, but only 1 had survived.

The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him and felt her hug one last time, then he had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die.

by Bethany Gardner July 14, 2006

108πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


An unexplainable yet incredibly strong feeling for someone... Most people use the word "love" to get into someone else's pants. Love is overused in today's world, people say they love someone because of the way they look. That isn't love. Love is when you can't do anything without thinking about that person, you always want to be with them. It's not that you want to have sex with them, you just want to spend time with them and you just want to hold them and never let go. Love can be fooling, you can think you're in love and it can lead to the most horrible feeling in the world. Also you can wait so long for someone, loving them, and waiting for them to love you back, but they don't return it for a long time and you spend years thinking and thinking and it tears you up inside but when that person realizes that they love you back it's miraculous.

Love is a very strong word, don't overuse it.

by omgtrendwhore July 28, 2005

93πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


-The unstoppable deep attraction to another person regaurdless of physical features and surrounding situations.
-It is the strongest most powerful emotion known to humans.
- Makes you do the impossible

love is thrown around so casually, but this one word means so much to different people. For some it is the most intense and wonderful feeling on the plant. For others it's finding someone that gives you butterflies and makes you smile more than anyone else on the planet.

Love is putting that one person ahead of anthing else in your life, allways making sure that you are there for him and carring for him. When your not with him, he consumes your mind and you think about him and what he is doing (thinking of you). Some poeople would die for love and other people die for peoples love. This emotion controls a large amount of your actions.

Without it, you feel incomplete and broken, and if you lose it, you feel completely dead and hallow. When you are in love, you want to spend the rest of your life with that person and only that person. You dont stop thinking about him for a moment, because your brain won't wont let you. When you are in love you do anything for that person: they fall, you fall with them. they lose somthing, you give it to them. they get injured you nurse for them.

You cannot live with out them.

Maddy loves Mac more than anyone in the entire world.
Mac loves Maddy.
Maddy loves Mac more than potato chips and ice-cream.
Maddy loves Mac so much, she cant be with out him for a moment.

by M@ddy January 31, 2007

33πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Love is something completely unexplainable. You may think the whole "love at first sight" concept is false, but it is not. You know when it is true. You may think the whole "teenage love" is false, as well. But that too is true. Love is something you cannot control. If you loved someone once, you will love them forever in some way. Whether it's a first and only love, or a long time memory. They'll still have a place in your heart. When you love some one, that person is always on your mind; they're the only one who you can truly be one hundred percent true with and never hide a thing. To be in love, is to be you. Nothing shall dare to be hidden, nor shall it be lost once you find some one you love. With your heart expanding in size, you know everything will be okay. You know as long as you can just lay in that one person's arms, you can smile forever long. Love isn't something that can easily be defined in a dictionary, and chances are one's definition will be far off from anothers, but it's just what happens in your heart, mind, and soul. Butterflies in your stomach do exist, and so does love.

A girl was walking down the street when suddenly she stops and stares. All she can think of is being with that boy again. Whether he feels the same or not. Just knowing he's there is all she needs.


He's got her. She's in his arms, and will never be lost. He loves her with all his heart. He will never let her go. She changed his life, and his view on the world. He knew this from the moment they met...

by LoversLoveLiarsLie October 8, 2009

57πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


an intense feeling of deep affection.
"babies fill parents with feelings of love"
a great interest and pleasure in something.
"his love for football"
feel deep affection for (someone).
"he loved his sister dearly"
like or enjoy very much.
"I just love dancing"

"i love him"

by iiqxlvs fan February 24, 2021

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A four letter word.To strongly like with a passion.Usually,boys don't like to admit it when they love a girl or boy.Some girls don't admit it either.Love is what brings people together.

Girl:Darnell,I love you,do you love me?

by TheTruthIsMe March 1, 2011

133πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž


In the end, love is a little bit like Dan’s green chile. It’s messy and a lot of work and it can hurt and maybe even make you cry, but when the right flavors come together it’s all worth it.

Because in the end, isn’t love a little bit like Dan’s green chile?

by thundermier July 17, 2022