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The thing you waste on the Internet.

The average teenager spends twenty seven hours of time on the internet a week.

by C.D's September 20, 2017


Something that kills you during Quarantine and lasts Forever.

Bill (on a video meeting) : Hey Jeff, how has your quarantine been?
Jeff (on a video meeting) : Sucks, time is slow as shit.

by hevc boro April 24, 2020


When everything is against you but your mates are luck as fuck

"damn this guy oneshotted me but became absolute trash against mhgamer, he got such timings dude"

by feet_destroyer_3000 August 7, 2022

In no time

Really soon

โ€œIโ€™m gonna finish in no timeโ€

by 24/7 July 28, 2018

In no time

Very quickly.

Wait a bit more, please. I will be there in no time

by That handle is alre.. holyShit August 1, 2018

the time

when you kiss your crush

Me: Have you had "the time" yet? Friend: No, Casey was being a bitch last night.

by doopypoopy69 June 13, 2019


The process in which a man and a woman engage in the act of intercourse only in this case, the penis is inserted into the anus hole, causing more pleasure for the male and at first a slight discomfort for the woman if no lubricant is used.

"Yo, A-time?"

"Yo I A-timed that bitchnania"

"Hello it's nice to meet you, you in for some A-time later?"

by mofuka January 5, 2005

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