A common term in Chicago and all over the Midwest refers to cannabis aka weed
Me: ayo my homie round 79th got that good shit that good bag
Possible customer: deadass foe? Bet tell him ima slide thru rn what’s too it
Bag is new trendy name for every noun, you can bag. you can ask pass the baggie.
Bagging involves spraying a can that contains aerosol such as hairspray or deodorant into a bag and putting the bag over one's head and inhaling the fumes in an effort to get high.
Man 1: Man I'm all outta weed and I wanna get high.
Man 2: Try bagging man, there's only a sorta large chance of dying of cardiac arrest and permanent brain damage.
To put a tedious or impossible hacking or repair project away for another day. The term probably comes from the idea of putting all the taken-apart pieces into a paper bag.
I've spent all day taking this apart and now I've had it; I'm just gonna bag it.
"I'm not here to steal it. Here to buy it from you." "OH YEAH. How much?" "A Bag." *holds up $1000 cash*