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Caught in the Blender

Getting caught in the blender means you've never left your home town, and then end up sleeping with or impregnating the same girls that you and your friends have cycled through over and over again.

He frequents the bars in camo and pajama bottoms and has definitely been caught in the blender.

by Ajmontana May 28, 2019

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Blender girl

A girl who curls her hair into ringlets and perfect spirals, then brushes them out, and teases her hair, so that it has the illusion of going through a blender. A blender girl is usually refereed to as a "sceney" or someone trying to be scene. They also are usually disrespectful to their peers, and equals.

Wow, that girl's hair is so messed, she must be a blender girl.

by Jujubeemarie December 29, 2011

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gerbil blender

An event involving several young women who seek to share the same older in a late night bang fest. A blending of gerbils, if you will.

"Sherry and Amy totally scored a gerbil blender last night."

by Perfect Peter September 28, 2011

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Harlem Blender

v. The act of defecating in one's partner's oral cavity. The defecating party then proceeds to insert their Penis* into the partners oral cavity in a swirling motion as to reproduce the cyclic motion of a blender.
*If the defecating party lacks a penis or similar penetrating organ, a similar straight, firm object will suffice.

I gave my girlfriend a Harlem Blender last night and now my dick stinks to all hell and I'm afraid to kiss her.

It's always best to give your girlfriend a Harlem Blender before you break up with her.

by Calick J. Jarian August 17, 2008

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Rocks In A Blender

Something that has happened that needs to be promptly covered up, so that no one gets pissed at all of you. It's a code word for what really happened...

For example, you and your best friend make out with her exboyfriend and his best friend while you were baked, and no one even enjoyed it anyway because you've been friends with one of the guys since second grade, and the other one is like your brother, and you can't let anyone find out because it can't get back to the girlfriend of one of the guys, who is also one of you and your friends good friends...

But when you all show up to arena later that day with red eyed and guilty looking, people area all like, "Where've you guys been?" and none of you know what to say because you're all baked anyway, so you say that you got baked and did something really stupid, and then the person figures out what probably happened, and runs off and tells the guys girlfriends, and then she gets all pissed and thinks that you and your friend are whores, and are all pissed at the guys, and then everyone else finds out and gets all pissed off and moody and angst ridden, and then someone suddenly blurts, "what the hell were you thinking?" and you, thinking quickly on you're feed reply...

"Actually, the stupid thing we did was put rocks in a blender."

And everyone's all like, oh, that's dumb, and gets over it because they're in high school and they think that EVERYTHING matters and is a big deal.

I guess you could say that we put rocks in a blender, is WAS just as graceful, and just as intelligent.
*~*Yosai*~*El Douche-o*~*Cutie*~*Whipped no more*~*

by Yosai Smitty August 21, 2005

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private blendering

Where someone is so anoying that the pain of being around them could be comparied to having your privates blended.

Employee 1: "Our boss is so annoying, I would rather have my privates placed in a blender than have to spend another day with him"

Employee 2: "yeh dude I know how you feel, he's been on my back all morning, defs private blendering"

by NJDlover30 April 11, 2009

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Blender Head

When a bitch scrape up yo dick when she giving you head

I can’t hit that her back up she gave some straight blender head

by Dhakrkwu September 5, 2019

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