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The Dio Theory

The act of quitting something and coming back a week later. Also, when you fight with your closest friend, and block them; but unblock them a few days later.

Person 1: Dude, did you know my friend quit RuneScape a week ago? Person 2: Don't worry, he'll come back a week later. He's an epitome of The Dio Theory.

by Redrumdemon1 September 30, 2009

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Tupac Theory

Explains why people think Tupac is still alive: Tupac Shakur had the nickname of Machiavelli (he spelled it Makaveli). Because the real Machiavelli (Niccolo) faked his own death, some believe Tupac did as well but in reality, it is mere coincidence as Tupac is really dead.

Rick Ross is steady singing, 'Tupac Back' based on Tupac Theory. The song is good but the truth remains: Tupac Dead, Tupac Dead, thats all the Coroner said was Tupac Dead.

by Poop Stain Barney June 30, 2011

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crane theory

The theory that all cranes are derived from previous cranes. All cranes build subsequent cranes. However, this creates a contradiction. From where were the first cranes derived? This is where crane theory steps in. God created a certain number of initial natural cranes. These cranes were perfect. They can nowadays typically be found in remote areas where it would otherwise be impossible to build a crane from scratch. Cities emerged in their current locations because there was originally a high concentration of the original cranes there.

Clay: "Hey dude, check out that crane."

Brantley: "That one is kind of out there by itself...it must be one of the originals."

Clay: "Originals?!"

Brantley: "Yea, God built the first cranes - it's how all subsequent cranes were built. Haven't you ever heard of crane theory?"

Clay: "OIC."

by gtbcb February 18, 2009

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Theory of Evolution

The theory of evolution is a scientific theory (independently) proposed by Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace in 1858. Darwin is largely credited with it, as he had been working on his theory for several years, after traveling around the world with HMS Beagle.

Simply put; the theory proposes the extant (and extinct) species of the world all evolved over time, and still is, by natural selection. The explanation for such changes are that when one individual gain a trait that increases it's chances of survival, it will more likely mate and have offspring who carry the favorable trait. The offspring will also reproduce more successfully, and so the trait will become dominant in a population after some amount of time.

The theory is supported by modern science, both in the fossil record and even by observation.
Sadly, Darwin could not explain all that he observed. A monk called Gregor Mendel had more or less discovered genes at about the same time, explaining how evolution works.

The theory is extensive, for more information surf the grat internet (just avoid the creationalists who usually has not read much about it) or even read one of Darwins books; especially "on the origins of species".

Struggle for life, survival of the fittest.

The theory of evolution observed
Q: Why do antibiotics stop working after a period of use?
A: Because bacteria are very good at adapting. Once one of the bacteria obtain resistance against the antibiotic, it will multiply (replacing the ones killed by the antibiotic) and even give the other bacteria the "recipe" (DNA)

Another one for you: a group of scienists measured the beak size of the birds on a secluded island over several years. Then a storm came, not harming the birds, but reducing the number of small seeds, leaving big seeds the major food-source for the birds. When they measured beak size of the offspring, the average size had increased - indicating the ones with larger beaks better at crushing large seeds survived and reproduced.

And another one: Modern genetics can analyze DNA (thats how you can detect who are related to each other in a family, and also find a killer from a strand of hair he left behind). When comparing DNA it is easy to see the DNA of modern humans and modern orangutans and other apes are extremely similar.

by toomuchsparetiem February 6, 2011

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The Potato Theory

The potato theory continued...
This can be considered when you use the raw juices from cooked potatoes to transfer the mystical energies of the potato into the space time continuum. In short, the juices of the potato rips a hole in the fabric of space-time thus enabling stuff, such as time travel, faster than light travel, multiversal travel and dimensions which are larger than the space they occupy.

This concept was first mastered by the brilliant mind of Dr N Morgan, whom thought of the idea whilst in the lessons of Mr Mcginty. Accompanied by his brilliant collogue Dr R Lloyd , whilst making a potato go at warp speed.

Two prime examples of "The Potato Theory"
An example would be, if you get a potato and pour the juices of said cooked potato onto an object and threw it, the speed would increase expectationally until reaching warp speed, in essence you would have an object moving faster than light speed.

Another example would be to pour potato juices into the anus to provide a space which although occupies a small area ie the inside of the anus, it makes it larger in form, allowing you to hold bags of potatoes inside of your anus to carry more than your own load, so to speak. This was mastered by a Mr Mcginty whom places potatoes aswell as other scientific objects into his rectum for science.

by Anonymous_potato October 24, 2012

Theory of knowledge

The literally and complete epitome of all human suffering and agony. Something from the depths of the underworld that should never of made it out.

Richard: OMG that lecture was so hell

Lucy: I know right, it was so theory of knowledge

by Octococeres November 21, 2019

Clump Theory

The theory that all intelligent consciousness on earth constitutes a collective "clump" that deserves love, belonging, and happiness. Members of the clump school of philosophical thought believe in a shared functional responsibility to attempt to reduce pain and increase happiness amongst all members of the clump. There is still uncertainty as to what species are "intelligent" enough to be in the clump, but proponents of clump theory emphasize that all of humanity, including future generations of humans are a part of the clump and that since their wellbeing will depend on our upkeep of the environment, we can have a positive impact on future members of the clump by caring for the environment right now.

Followers of the school of clump theory would emphasize that even if Krom* has low energy and puts out negative vibes, he's still a part of the collective clump and should be treated with love and respect.

*Names have been altered for the sake of anonymity

by I just wanna love the world October 15, 2019