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Jab Arm

The long lasting pain/ache in the arm which takes the brunt of any inoculations. Usually takes a couple of days to recover, and until then rarely makes it above a 45 degree angle to the torso.

"Bitch touched my Jab Arm..."

by ABC123<>^ November 8, 2009

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See Bell-end, term used to describe the end of yer nob. Can be used also as an insult.

"Arg you jabbed me in the eye with your Jab-end, you Jab-end."

by Lora Logic June 11, 2007

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jab end

1. The end bit on a penis. Possibly stems from mispronunciaccion of 'jap eye' (the bit where the love juice floods from) and shortening to jab.

2. Someone who is a bellend.

1. Even though he had a nice fat jab end i still decided to turn dyke after we had sex.

2. That chav on the bus throwing chips was a real jab end.

by WowzersTrousers April 22, 2008

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jab the turtle

The best rapper in the universe

All hail jab the turtle a god amongst men

by Oxford dictionary co March 25, 2017

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quick jab

when some one is right behind you and reaches over you to turn off you computer and says "quick jab!!!11"
and turns off your computer
and you like "oh noes!!!!112 what did you do to my computyer you feg0t"

justin: quick jab!
jastin wan: you shit hole! wtfzorz

by 19a May 11, 2005

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playful jab

A word to make punching someone hard sound fun and silly.

"My brother described punching me while I was on the computer chair and making me fly across the room as just a playful jab"

by Maki Mocassins December 19, 2005

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little jab

What the fuck is this? Why would anyone ever say this? Is this real!? These questions may have crossed your mind when you saw that "little jab" was a real word. This word was once used by The Hector Projector (see: Hector Projector) and to this day I can only assume he is a strawberry (see: Strawberry)

He beat me over the head with a sprinkler while my 7 year old sister kicked my brothers ass.

by Hector Projector April 8, 2003

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