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Jamal <3

a small black dude with a fat ass appetite. Has the fattest ass in the world the freakiest gay dude everrr just plain wild.

jamal <3 is fat asfff

by pinkinlovee November 21, 2023


A young vibrant, stallion of a young man. He is also dark skinned, tall, logical and open minded. Jamalle would have conversations with anyone that seeks it and he would indeed give them responses they may need to hear. Does not engage in petty squabbles but if you approach him on any shady level you would be told off.

I can tell Jamalle anything and he would give the most beautiful advice.

by Dave Marcel January 29, 2020

Jamal White

In which a white man would look good / amazing with a black woman rather than a white one.

chris evans is a jamal white; while harry styles is not.”

by yourinternetcooter May 18, 2021

jamal moment

a Jamal moment is when Jamal (epicgamerjah1) does something worthy of a Jamal moment

dude did you see Jamals Jamal moment? it was amazingly pog champ

by jaball January 20, 2021

Jamal Robinson

Jamal is a tall muscular boy who can get whatever he wants. Either threw his money or his charming face the girls always want him.

Oooo look at Jamal Robinson he is so cute today!

by Dinahxoxo November 3, 2021


describing a black person as a joke

usually as,
Calm Down jamal! don;t pull out the nine, referring to how black people usually carry a glock or a gun in their pocket

by corrupt_order May 16, 2023


Jamal stands for the unknown person who is in the corner of almost every group gathering

person 1: bro who is that guy standing by himself ?
person 2:ahh that's Jamal!
person1 : who is Jamal?
person 2:' Jam all' dezz nuts in the mouth
person 1: this is the reason your dad left you

by jamaldezznutts January 28, 2023