a substitution for the word masturbation so you can talk about it in polite company without arousing suspicion.
Writing in your journal is a very stress relieving activity.
I need some private time to write in my journal.
I like it when my girlfriend comes over because we can write in each other's journal.
The act of repeatedly striking your genitals with a rolled up A4 note pad, it is claimed to relieve writer's block.
Have you seen Harry recently?
No, the last time I saw him he said he was going to his room to do some journaling.
Ok I'll check his room.
(lee-kun yer-nal) n. A news paper thought to be so unreliable that school children are prohibited from using it as a source in their current events homework.
"Do you have any toilet paper?"
"No, but I just picked up today's copy of the Beacon Journal."
(noun) A drunk journal is the product of "Wasted Wednesday." This device originated when a girl named Sarah and a boy named Phillip in a Midwestern town began writing thoughts, ideas, drawings and whatever they please into a private journal while under the influence of a certain amount of alcohol. The purpose of a drunk journal is to find joy and answers the following day as you attempt to read it aloud. This immediately results in laughter and memories, which otherwise would have been wasted.
Did you read the drunk journal yet?
The American Medical Association's Journal. Also called JAMA.
My dad reads the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Knowingly engaging in dishonest journalism with the belief that the effect of the dishonesty will outweigh the penalty from the dishonesty. Examples of Suicide Bomber Journalism include malicious editing of a piece and leaving material facts out of a piece.
Sixty Minutes engaged in Suicide Bomber Journalism in their interview of Governor Rick DeSantis. Their editing of the piece was quite malicious indeed. It's unlikely that their viewers will ever know or care.