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Late Drunk

A late drunk is someone who doesn't feel the full effects of alcohol sometimes up to as much as an hour after they've stopped drinking.

Fred: Hey John you didn't seem too bad the other night considering how much you drank.

John: Ah I was a bit of a late drunk that night, I was all over the place about an hour after I left.

by moltenriches October 3, 2009

late abortion

shooting a newborn

mum: i need a late abortion
baby: ok boomer end my suffering now
mum: doc get the gun
doctor: ok then milf
doctor: *shoots the baby*

by imawhore123 January 17, 2020

the late phoenix

A master of his world, a creator, a god. Sexy as hell, too!

Oh, God, here comes the late phoenix... *faint* There are no examples or words for him!

by The Follower January 15, 2013

hella late

when olivia responds to emails a month late

yo olivia, you hella late in responding to my emails

by olivia you late January 12, 2015

late democracy

A phenomenon in which tribalization reveals itself to be a feature of democracy in contrast to an anomaly.

A phenomenon in which society runs out of structural institutions to scapegoat so people begin to scapegoat each other (democratic confederalism).

Often misnomered as "late capitalism" by the left.

In late democracy tribalization reveals itself to be a larger meta-state of which democracy is a subset in contrast to a semantic anomaly in the circle of democracy.

Democracy reveals itself to be a mass distributor of the scapegoating impulse which was previously chaperoned by organized religion.

Reaction to late democracy forms the basis of Slavic (Russian) idealism which propounds a STATE religion.

by tomorrowtomorrow December 23, 2018

late Sunday

late Sunday (or Monday) is a term used for of us who can arrange a long weekend around our work commitments.

I won't be available first thing next week because I am having a late Sunday!

by inx13 February 10, 2010

Chronic Lateness

A medical condition where a man constantly arrives late because he has to find and purchase marijuana. Often witnessed by fully clothed, make-upped, perfumed
women who expected their date to arrive at 8, but don't see the sufferer until 11.

Woman 1: Dang, Ricky isn't here yet and it's already 11:30.

Woman 2: I told you girl, that boy suffers from Chronic Lateness.

Woman 1: Well at least he rolls up with weed.

by Dj Really Real January 30, 2010

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