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Libertarian Socialism

Libertarian Socialism is a political philosophy that advocates abolition of the state and private property. The term can also be synonymous with anarchism or left libertarianism. The term chould be differentiated from right libertarianism with it's emphasis on laissez-faire capitalism as opposed to libertarian socialism's anti-capitalism and anti-statism ideals.

Johnny is a libertarian socialist who believes in abolition of private proverty along with the state. He believes in a non-violent organic shift to libertarian socialism as opposed to a revolutionary overthrow of authoritarian regimes.

by Jean-Paul Marx December 19, 2010

160๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž

libertarian socialism

Libertarian = a person advocating total individual freedom through minimizing the role of the government.

Socialism = the abolition of privately held means of production.

A libertarian socialist sees the state as a coercive authoritarian institution which the elite uses to exploit the people. A libertarian socialist sees capitalism as a way for the ones with money, i.e. power, to enforce oppression on the ones who don't.

Free market is about as fair as the freedom to kill an innocent person.

See also anarchism, anarchy, anarcho-syndicalism.

by Servant Of Progress November 8, 2004

533๐Ÿ‘ 232๐Ÿ‘Ž

libertarian socialism

libertarian-A person who advocates liberty, especially in regard to thought or conduct.

socialism-The belief that all property should be held by the state or in common. Since most libertarian socialists are anarchists they believe in property being held in common, meaning anyone can use what ever they want whenever they feel like it.

Basically, while libertarian capitalists believe all force and coercion is wrong unless used to defend one's person or property libertarian socialists believe all force and coercion is wrong unless used to defend one's person, but not one's property since all property was originally founded on theft and relies on state coercion. Without state coercion capitalists would have to create private organizations (basically, miniature states) to enforce property 'rights'. Libertarian capitalists ignore the fact that companies would monopolize land and exclude certain companies, eventually leading to vast tracts of private property that function like modern states do.

see also: anarchism

The Spanish anarchist revolution in the '30s and the Zapatista Revolution today are examples of people trying to achieve libertarian socialism.

by 21stCenturyRebel September 3, 2007

312๐Ÿ‘ 140๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of giving a party exactly what they ask for, with the intent to demonstrate flaws. Taken from the idea that if Libertarians, who claim to want almost no governmental control, were made to live in Somalia, an actual near-lawless state, they would change their views.

Letting my son stay up as long as he wants is like Libertarians in Somalia: everything he claims to want, and it's killing him.

My son wouldn't drop his insistence at a later bedtime, so I adopted a Libertarians-in-Somalia approach. He always goes to bed on time now.

by FranklySpeaking June 14, 2013

39๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Social Libertarianism

Social libertarianism is the belief in independence from government or state control that is advocated for by libertarians without the individualistic orientation associated with traditional libertarianism. Many social libertarians believe that small, non-hierarchical community councils are better than large-scale representative governance.

Afraid of the social stigmas associated with the term "anarchism," they referred to their beliefs as social libertarianism.

by adamdouze September 25, 2009

73๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


Neo-libertarians follow a political philosophy combining elements of libertarian and neoconservative thought that embraces incrementalism domestically, and a generally objectivist/interventionist foreign policy based on self-interest, national defense and the expansion of freedom.

Neolibertarians hold that the best form of national government is one that promotes liberty (free markets and civil liberties) and strong national defense policies, including the use of pre-emptive military engagements only if it is against a threat to freedoms and a danger to the nation. It also holds that the federal government should concern itself with these issues above all others, while leaving nearly every other issue to more local political entities: state/provincial and municipal governments, communities, and individuals. Neo-libertarians are sometimes described as "pro-capitalist conservatives" or "libertarians who support the War on Terror." Some celebrities that fit into this neo-libertarian category include talk radio personalities Larry Elder, Neal Boortz, and comedian Dennis P.J. O'Rourke.

Robby: Dude, these neo-libertarians sound like they got it right, but why isn't there anything about them on Wikipedia?
Ryan: Well, there used to be, but some ugly pacifist named Carol Moore deleted it because she doesn't believe in free speech, and thinks she's the queen of deciding what's a legit political philosophy.
Robby: Well, that totally sucks. These guys really have what the world needs.
Ryan: Well, they should start with a new name, one that roles of the tongue well.

by readbeforeopinion May 17, 2010

79๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž


A conservative who has not problem eating liberals.

Any conservative libertarian who likes to debate.

by 2P September 7, 2008

17๐Ÿ‘ 332๐Ÿ‘Ž