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Lolz means lol but it's laugh out loud zebras.
do not judge me.
i am not dumb
this is a true word made by a fellow peep.

OMG lolz!

by oofedy oof June 5, 2019


Just a basic word

Julia piazza made up this word LOLZ

by December 12, 2020


A YouTuber that is AWSOME in every way and has watermelon balls like randy in southpatk

Hey did you see the new video posted by LOLZ GAMING

by LOLZ GAMING June 25, 2022

lolz my balls

laughing your balls off

bro, thats so funny, lolz my balls!

by jokerethan September 1, 2011

lolz in za holz

when something makez you laugh, you say it

wow he shitted while farting infront of the whole class lolz in za holz

by za sed boah December 17, 2022

lolz and roflz

Belly bursting laughter

I tripped and face planted whilst eating a fluff sandwich... Looked like the marshmallow man had his way with my face.... the lolz and roflz insued by the onlookers

by Blindleader December 31, 2015

Lolz friend

A friend you are currently sleeping with, but don’t know how to tell anyone because you are embarrassed, or don’t want to jinx it.

She’s just a lolz friend, and I don’t want to talk about it.

by RealGuy25 June 30, 2022