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blast loud

the level of volume that greatly exceeds usual listening levels; reaching a very high decibel level for the human ear - 95+dB; the volume acheived when one turns the volume dial or presses the volume button as far or as many times possible;

Hey, Margie, turn up the stereo blast loud because Mom just left.

by Cat the Wordsmith February 6, 2010

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Loud Ass

A person who openly boast being high in public.
Also applies to a person smoking weed on snapchat then posting it to their story

Damn that Kevin is such a loud ass!

by Tank42069 June 5, 2019

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jay loud

I'm high of that tooka pack, I'm high off that aiki pack, I'm off that tutu pack, smoking on that " JAY LOUD ", smoking on that fat head

I'm smoking that Jay LOUD

by Javi1017 May 27, 2017

Loud as shit

Louder than a group of old men with irritable bowel syndrome pooping in unison in a public restroom!!!

After drinking a beer, my lady can burp loud as shit!!

by Puddle1970 July 7, 2017

fuck loud

A saying used by Mark poirier meaning to be great or legendary

"Bro logan definitely fucks loud"
"Yo you fuck loud? We should hangout sometime"

by Scrivdog76 June 2, 2017

loud talk

Over talking someone else keep them from voicing their opinion with negative reinforcement

Every time we start a conversation she starts loud talking me

by person916 March 3, 2016

loud and nonlethal

The opposite of "silent but deadly". A loud fart, with no stink.

A very audible fart, with no smell involved.

"Yeah, I blasted out a loud but nonleathal in the movie theatre. Everyone heard me, but at least they werent mustard gassed". Loud and nonlethal, they didnt die from my gas, only from my embarassment, by laughing too hard.

by Ricky Booby666 August 15, 2017