An unwashed meth addict, who frequents alleys, run-down trailer parks, or anywhere else that can be considered the underbelly of society, and forages through dumpsters and trash heaps, in search of something they preceive is valuable enough to trade for a bag of meth.
This place is crawling with meth maggots.
Those slimey meth maggots really fucked this place up.
34๐ 9๐
Australian Slang for a meat pie
I had a maggot bag with dead horse for lunch.
15๐ 3๐
What you get when you and your boyfriend use mayonnaise as lube and don't clean your vagina.
I went to the OB-GYN and he discovered poon maggots in my vagina!
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An underage drinker, especially an annoying one.
"Look at all those little sauce maggots over there, with their vodka coolers and raspberry-flavoured rum."
9๐ 1๐
to get so drunk / wasted you act like a maggot at a Slipknot concert.
Greg and Steve got maggot wasted so their girlfriends left them at the bar.
What you get after taking a shower in a public place with bare feet
Joe stopped at a truck stop to take a shower and ended up with foot maggots
Phrase originating from Limerick, Ireland. Acting the maggot means acting the fool or the idiot.
Friend 1: Did you hear about Luke last night?
Friend 2: No! What happened?
Friend 1: He got really drunk and started acting the maggot in front of everyone!