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Wifey material

Being "wifey material" goes way more than being an educated woman who will cook for her husband, clean the laundry or feed the kids. A woman who's wifey material is supportive, loyal, respectful towards her companion, someone who fights for her family and brings union between these members.

We gotta stop stereotyping and start attributing to women their true values!

She supports her husband everyday... She's wifey material!

by Ilovewomenithinktheyrethebest November 26, 2020

24๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

fifa material

Any kind of soccer activity performed in real life, that is worthy of being from a video game. A soccer move so good it looks as if it came from the video game Fifa.

- Bro that shot you had at yesterdays game was fifa material.
- Yeah it was a snipe, no doubt.

by fifaboy333 November 6, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

material wealth

goods and services that we can see and touch that make our lives better.

examples of material wealth: refridgerators, haircuts, ect.

by Naomiaboghead January 15, 2009

36๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Material girl

It's a term for sassy and bad bitchest people.

Get it from my mammy, Balmain, bustdown
(Tre Trax I think we got one)
(It's Trax season, bruh)
(Who that? Trell?)
I want Chanel 9 boots
All these niggas steady jockin'
'Cause they know I'm the truth
(Material girl) And I get it from my mammy
Balmain, bustdowns, these hoes can't stand me
"Material girl" Currently working on a Grammy
Meanwhile, pussy poppin' with ya man in Miami
(Material girl) Chanels and pearls
That's the trick that it takes to keep the girls

by Oussymonster January 7, 2022

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Material Girl

A material girl is a girl that is materialistic. (I'm pretty sure she'll get plastic surgery in the future ๐Ÿ˜Œโœจ) She's also known as alley girl, Essex girl, and popular clique. Plus, she spends a lot of her money on fashionable and luxurious things. And by spending a lot, I mean a LOT!

"You're such a material girl!"
"No, I'm not!" *buys a $500 blouse*

- Me and my friend today :P

by Big_Fat_B1tch09 March 26, 2022

16๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

research material

Any material that involves nudes or lewd images.

Subject A: "H?"
Subject B: ", you know, just gunna go look for more research material."

by Maledohr February 10, 2017

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A rifle bullet so badass they had to name it something more appropriate so the newbies don't use it for target practice

The .50 BMG ain't a sniper round it's a godamn Anti-Material shell

by Veteran Bandit February 1, 2021

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