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dark matter

the mixture of resin and weed. if hydrated produces a crackly toke.

There is an unfortunate situation: your bong has no glass screen and some of the budha inevitably pulls through. worry not. allthough some may fall to the bong water, much sticks to the the resin in the stem of your bowl: this is dark matter. Hallelujah, your not out quite yet!

by -peace.on.earth- November 1, 2010

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Dark Matter

The dark skin near/on your genitals, usually starts at the juncture of the leg and crotch area.

Someone with baggy shorts is climbing a ladder above you, you look up and see their dark matter.

Some chick with short shorts is stretching her legs in a split, you see her dark matter.

by Reichull August 20, 2011

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brown matter

It's fuckin' poop

I dropped some brown matter in the toilet.

by BenFromAllstate March 24, 2016

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States of matter

Poop pee and fart. YEET

a states of matter.

by That_was_fun January 20, 2020

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Femboys matter

a great moment to help men and boys be themselves without being scared of being judged

Great person: imma join femboys matter
Femboy: thx

by SillyHoneyMustard March 14, 2022

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Femboys Matter

They do matter. However it is commonly mistaken. It does not mean they matter more, it means they matter too. And is if anything, an-all inclusive democratic social and systematic movement.

I am going to post about Femboys Matter on TikTok! I will too! Let's join the movement!

by femboysmatter September 13, 2020

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Cakel Matter

The crumbs or large chunks of cake left over after binging on chocolate cake; does not have to contain any icing. Must be pronounced as closely as possible to "fecal matter".

You guys ate it all?! Now there's only Cakel Matter left!

by Jen G July 13, 2007

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