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A prime example of illiteracy in the 21st century. Literally just the word “Me” with an unnecessary H at the end.

A: Pussanigjuhtahshii on twitter! He won’t @ MEH doe

B: ....Bro what?

by boidontworryboutmyname May 16, 2020


A stupid slang word every teenager, your dog, your teacher and everybody else in the universe uses.

Teacher: "DETENTION!"
Student 1: "Meh..."
Student 2: "Meh meh meh."
Teacher: "Meh?"
Student 1: "MEH!!!"
Teacher: "Meh."

-- 20 minutes later --

Student 2: "MEH!!!!"

The End

by CrazyDude87 November 18, 2013


dont know, a sort of indifference.
There is no meaning.
its harshirans word

how are you?


by Idekkkkkkk July 19, 2015


a noise made by female blood elves in world of warcraft. They usually scream this when they get hurt or fall.

Whenever Melithara the blood elf gets hurt she always screams MEH off the top of her lungs in anger.

by killtherat January 22, 2012


Commonly known from"The Simpsons"

Used to show that one does not care

...What are we having for dinner?...


by rigby07/27 December 14, 2015


Amir Allen Lee

“Meh it is what it is

“Oh you mean Amir Allen Lee?”

by Alexisssnicollee March 24, 2020


A Expression on boredom or Mediocure.

Man 1:Hows the game?
man 2:Meh.

by Dylan Work November 18, 2008

1👍 1👎