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septic mound

The sexual act of taking a shit on your girlfriend/boyfriends chest. Same as hot carl.

I just laid a septic mound on susans chest.

by Septic mound October 22, 2017


Male geniltals in tight clothes.

Masculine counterpart to "camel-toe".

"Hey Brittany, check out Karl's pound-mound!"
"Watch out Brittany! You almost squished my pound-mound!"

by Socsglen September 27, 2018

Flower mound cross country


Jdo Flower mound cross country

by Yyyyyytfhy September 26, 2021

Mound Boy

A old Irish/English term relating to the “the fighting Irish” or to the men who fought in world war 1. Meaning the fought next to the mound or became the mound.

“Oh that old man is a mound boy.”
“All these men here, were mound men.”

by A Zodark September 21, 2021

rough mound

When a female has an abundance of genital warts present.

Mike was unlucky last night and hooked up with a girl who had a “rough mound”.

by Pierceduppinky September 30, 2022

tapping the mound

a man lightly pressing on the mons pubis

The Statehouse aide was tapping the mound on his housewife.

by Coop Dupe June 9, 2018

termite mound

A variation of the beehive hairdo for black women. Named for the towering termite mounds of the plains of Africa.

Dawg! Check out the termite mound on that sista!

by wolfbait51 May 25, 2011