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A group of people that used the abolishment of slavery to never work again. Skip town after they find out their baby momma is pregnant.

1774: "Good morrow Mr. Jefferson, I see your niggers are doing a fine job."

2004: -"Yo nigger, wats we gon do today?"
-"How's bout we smoke crack and rob a liquor store?"

by T-rizzle sunny Dizzle May 14, 2008

67๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž


Having a large black population.

Wayne, NJ has a very niggerated population

There's one of them niggers...this population is niggerated

by Fuckin S February 11, 2009

26๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


Nigger (nig-ger)

A nigger is not necessarily a person of black origin. However, a nigger is a person who may or not be black but exemplifies the negative qualities associated with "ghetto" black people namely of the hip-hop/rap culture. Blacks call each other nigger, but you will more than likely result in being shot, raped or stabbed if you call a black person nigger, unless you yourself are a pretty badass nigger who can get away with it. Niggers look out for each other, except when they are murdering each other. Some notable characterists and features of a nigger are lying, cheating, terrible hygene, stealing, slang, rape, murder, hyphonated first names, imprisonment, rapping, oogling women (especially big-ass womena and white women of any age) and alcohol as well as drug addiction.

Rae-Qwuoan and Sha-Qwueeta are pulling the discrimination card at work.

what a bunch of niggers.

Yo man, Ashley got a big butt yo.

Shut up you nigger! that's my sister!
Ay yo you gun let me tap dat!

by Dan5555555555 September 7, 2007

147๐Ÿ‘ 112๐Ÿ‘Ž


When you someone calls you the nword when youre not one of them

A black man says to a white dude "you are a nigga"
The white dude says back "stop niggering me"

by a wise nigga November 24, 2020

19๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


A racist slur that will make even the most civilized black person pissed off.

It's okay for one black person to refer to another black person as a nigger. Ironically, a white person cannot say nigger because of the color of his skin.

Black Person: "What's up nigger?" = OKAY
White Person: "What's Up nigger?" = NOT OKAY

by Captain Johnny October 6, 2006

389๐Ÿ‘ 325๐Ÿ‘Ž


People who annoy you.

I know it, but I don't think I should say it...
5 Seconds left...
All right, I'de like to solve the puzzle! Niggers!

by Randy Marsh January 2, 2008

5244๐Ÿ‘ 4674๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word that will get you jumped by a black person if they hear you say it.

Bernie: Get out the store you dumb stinkin nigger!

Jamal: Da fuck you say nigga?!

by Stinky Penis. March 17, 2021

29๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž