The act of adding nostrils to a creature/object.
Person 1: Have you finished sculpting the statue yet?
Person 2: One second I just have to nostrilize it.
The act of blowing something out of your nose so hard, your soul leaves your body through your nose along with boogers, snot, blood or anything else that comes out at a high-velocity. Things that come out of your nose at a high-velocity are also known themselves as nostril projections.
"Dude, I just went from snot rocket to a full-on nostril projection! Wait, is that my body down there on the ground? And why did my booger break the window?"
The act of physically plugging a clear nostril on purpose when the other nostril is actually plugged in an attempt to force air to go through the plugged nostril to clear it up. Nasal decongestants are optional; in fact, this is typically done because nasal decongestants don't work for those times when one nostril is absolutely plugged to hell like a rush hour traffic jam and the other is like an abandoned highway. Despite common sense telling you that this is a genius idea and it should work, it typically doesn't. But that doesn't mean it never works, so be sure to try it next time you have a cold.
Nostril Air Redirection may not work often, but it feels satisfying when it does.
"Ah mate I smashed this chick last week."
"Oh yeah! Any good?"
"Mate im telling you! It was like a Gnat's nostril!"
When you exhale electronic cigarette vapour through your nose whilst drinking a hot beverage in order to disguise the fact that you're vaping.
It may look like steam but in fact its nostril froth.
When your mates on his stag do and a coco pops breakfast bar is inserted into his wet nostril leaving him feeling violated yet climatic
Hes Has been nostril fucking his nose
I was all plugged up so I farmer blew my nostril sauce into the air like a pond fountain.