(v.) - to do many things at once, such as talk on your cellphone, work on your computer, watch TV, listen to the stereo, etc., also known by its longer form of "multi-tasking"
"With my new iPhone and E-reader, I can be involved with m-tasking all day long, and I love it!"
-- overhead at a watercool in San Francisco
The superhero when a program starts to hang
Chrome: *Freezes*
Task Manager: *Shoots chrome*
that app you open when another app forgets how to work
ah fuck, chrome froze, guess it's time to open task manager
To do multiple tasks at once, not really putting in much concentration nor effort.
I had so much to do yesterday that I was only semi-tasking most of it, so I basically got nothing done.
Showering/pooping while drinking a beer and simultaneously bopping the bishop "masturbating".
Tom was short on time so he decided to go tri-tasking.
To do more shit at one time than humanly possible.
Friend; What up bro?
Resonse; Are you kidding. Been quantum-tasking to get homework done and keep the boss happy..
(Verb): The art of multitasking on social media.
Texting, tweeting, and instagramming; my fingers hurt from all this social-tasking.