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To vy for, try and take

"Nathan was the team's star player, but when Lucas arrived he began to think Lucas was jocking for his place as point-guard."

"Sue was jocking for a turn on the computer, and so were both her brothers - they always fought over it."

by .Louieeee May 6, 2009

69๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž


A jock is either a person who finds identity in sports or who finds their acceptance amongst those who do.

They are by no means inferior or, for that matter, superior however are often seen that way by minority groups. They may appear inferior because they are interested/preoccupied with things that require low intelligence, however they may still be intelligent and just content to not exercise it all day long. They are also sometimes seen as superior because they are very self-confident and often physically strong/built (which sometimes makes them attractive to the opposite gender). This is a direct result of either wanting to improve their sporting ability or wanting to fit in with people of high sporting ability.

Unlike athletes, for jocks sport is not an activity but a status symbol, when their team/player achieves success they see it as a personal achievement. Athletes may or may not be jocks.

*Note: Often people who are highly intelligent (and who like to exercise their intelligence) look down upon jocks for being so interested in unintellectual things, they have reason to feel superior but this is no excuse for being prejudiced (as applies to jocks towards them).

The jocks are watching soccer at my house tonight so can i come play guitar at yours?

Don't be such a jock, it's only a game.

The jocks are going to be grumpy today, our team lost badly last night.

by Rico Thorn May 5, 2007

17๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


To "jock" something is to take without permission.

Kayla jocked that necklace from Target.

This means that Kayla stole the necklace from Target.

by KINGKATIE August 2, 2005

13๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Jock is one of 23 social classes that are found in most High schools. They share similarities to the Douchebag and Athlete classes. To be classified as a Jock, they must compete/participate in a sport, however the amount of a skill a Jock actually has at said sport doesn't matter. A Jock must also derive a sense of superiority from playing said sport.

Jocks, unlike Douchebags, will more often ignore/exclude others as opposed to assault them directly. This is most likely because the Jock thinks that he has ascended to a higher plane of existence, and he need not bother with the common folk.

Jocks often seek out relationships based on: Outward appearance, popularity, and willingness to have sex.

"When the Jocks would go to the showers, I could actually hear the stupidity pinging off the walls."

by LetsClearThingsUp February 8, 2015

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


An arrogant retarded male who's brain is the size of a sour grape. They laugh at their own jokes, go to tanning booths, and get asian symboled tatoos on the upper bicep that they dont even know the meaning of. They travel in packs and degrade any other human being that isn't into sports or tags along in they're fake social image. Attractive women flock to they're presence because of they're facade wealthy image they get from mooching off they're parents. But as time goes by, these are the guys who end up washing cars and picking up road kill on Route 66. A useless and horrible excuse of a human being. Souless and Narrow Minded bastards. Borderline mentally challenged.

"Wow that girl is beautiful"
"Dont even try man."
"Cause you dont treat women like shit while walking around in your never washed football jersey."
"Oh you mean im not a jock?"
"Ah ok."

by cinemasaver May 4, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


A jock is someone that enjoys ravaging other jocks that are all sweaty and dirty on a field. They like to then take a group shower with there fellow jock friends and play little faggot games with them by slapping their ass with a towel, while saying the phrase "Good game!" Jocks also like to show how tuff they are by picking on the smallest guy in the school. "Wow that really takes courage to pick on a guy like that!" Jocks are also immature assholes that can only insult you, if he has his other 6 friends with him to back him up. They also brag about all the shit they have in life that is better then everyone else., And they like to date all the girls that have every STD ever discovered. But in the end, when you grow up and go to a fast food restaurant or a grocery store, you will see them being your bitch, like bagging your groceries or making you food.

Jocks are faggots

by moshpitgod December 11, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


The guy that saved Indiana Jones in the first of the Indy movies. Hada pet snake named Reggie, who later got thrown out of the plane. He saved Indy with his hydroplane.


Jock: I'm goin'!

by jrriojase October 4, 2009

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