The hamburger menu is where you find all the obscure references that nobody but you gets. (If anyone knows where I got the name from, pastamancer is best class DONT lie)
Hey how do I mute
That one guy who play KoL: you can find it in the hamburger menu!
That... doesn’t exist
A menu in UD that most people don't even know exists. It's located on the top left, just above the add a definition option. This option is really crappy to use on your phone because it doesn't show you the whole alphabet. Not to mention, it sucks to use because most letters have at least 1000 pages and you can only move two page at a time, or go straight to the end.
The browse menu on Urban Dictionary can show you a lot of weird definitions, but only if you're patient enough to flip through the pages.
Being rushed to order something at a restaurant because you have showed up late to the restaurant. Your friends are ordering their food and the waitress/waiter is waiting for your order. You either get to only glance over the menu or you never get the chance at all. You are menu rushed.
I was menu rushed at the diner the other night because i showed up late.
I ordered a sandwich that i didn't even want the other night because i was menu rushed.
when the Gearbox does the Risk of Rain 2 dlc, and fucks it up so bad console bois literally can't play the game. A true gearbox moment.
R.I.P. ROR2 - Cause of death: T2 Interactive
"Wassup bro I been trying to play the new Risk of Rain 2 update with the heavily advertised couch coop for consoles, but I'm stuck on the main menu boss. My homie plugged in a second controller to help me beat him, in reponse the boss deleted my entire save, and downloaded Randy Pitchfork's USB stick onto my Xbox, getting me arrested by Chris Hansen!"
Code for obamas underground child labor service. Defines whether they plan on torturing the child with an apache helicopter or the leg of an elmo doll
Boi lets which one off the childrens menu u wanna use on this cancer kid
a menu hoe is a person who can’t stick to one menu and keeps stealing them.
my mother is a menu hoe
lauren’s being a menu hoe
using or interacting with a video game menu
I spent 5 hours last night menuing!