Source Code

Online school

Another term for FUCKING BULLSHIT

Dad: so, how's online school, son?
Son: please let me fucking die already

by Thiccboi;) September 18, 2020

albion online

An online (mostly offline) MMORPG.
The servers gets DDOSed alot for ransom money, therefore the name "Albion offline".

Person 1:"hey man do you play albion online?"
Person 2:"you mean albion offline?"
Person 1:"yeah"

by Legitxd August 10, 2017

online coffee

When you grab a coffee, or tea, over the Internet, i.e. a friend is in London drinking coffee, you are in New York drinking the same thing, and you chat while grabbing a coffee.
Online coffee.

A: I'm gonna grab a coffee, you want some? I don't like drinking alone.
B: Sure, let's go to Starbucks and chat on WiFi! Online coffee rules!

by Lee Hartman May 4, 2010

Goldeneye Online

So much potential!!!
But... So many problems that could have been fixed so very easily!!! Stupid EuroCom.

Dude1 is playing Goldeneye Online with random people...
Dude1 - "Yes! 10 kill streak!"

Chaos ensues as nunchuk flies through kitchen window only to enter neighboring bathroom of cranky, octogenarian, war veteran and widow neighbor.

by Nothequestioniswhoareyou July 28, 2011

Terminally Online

A term used to describe a person who cannot engage in carefree fun or interact normally anymore because their views and behaviors have been warped from spending too much time in niche social and political bubbles online. Their entire bodies are tightly clenched all day and they are never really relaxed - they must keep vigil for anyone who fails their purity test so they can sound the alarms and give in to their repressed feral tendencies to burn you at the stake.

Their lives slowly devolve into performatively getting upset in public to bolster their credibility with other terminally online people until they have scared off every normal person in their life.

Though most frequently seen on the political left (where many of them have come to the internet to escape reality due to being emotionally frail and heavily disordered), the right has their own share of terminally online nonsense, usually manifesting as conspiracy theories and a persecution complex.

George: "Until I went on the internet, I've never heard anyone literally say 'r-slur'."
Jamal: "Yeah, it's just something overly sensitive people who are terminally online made up."

Debbie: "Have you gotten vaccinated yet?"
Rose: "And get a chip put in me? Not a chance."
Debbie: "Oh no, I had no idea you were so terminally online."

by BiggestBatman March 24, 2022

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Optimum Online

Optimum Online

A dumb company that changes there number in ever commercial

optimum online brainwashing tunes
877-393-4448! such a catchy tune...
877-333-4001...still pretty good
i cant even remmber the last one...

by imdatpisceschick January 19, 2009

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Knight Online

An addicting game that results in you quitting school and living in your mom and dads house 'till you die. Played by nerds all over the world, including Turkey where all they do is play this game 24/7...

KO_Addict7621 : "Hey Fire_Head568QRVX! Lets play Knight Online all day."

Crack_Head568QRVX: "Sounds great I'll go quit my job and drop out of highschool...brb"

by I_<3_Nerds January 8, 2006

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