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Orange Oprah

A mom who tries to be famous by riding on the coattails of her actress/singer daughter. First used to describe LiLo's mother, Dina. Also known as O Squared.

1. Get your daughter a career with Disney.

2. Fuck up that Disney career by having her party excessively and drink underage.

3. When in doubt, always opt for implants!

4. Disney has fired her and her cokewhore antics, so try to get her some other movie roles before her career dies.

5. She may have been in rehab three times this year, but never lose hope.

6. Give up when she comes out of the closet.

7. Get her little sister a reality show on E.

8. Repeat.

You are now an Orange Oprah!

by YerMumma August 30, 2008

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the oprah winfrey

When you finish in your significant others face while screaming "you get it in the face! You get it in the face!"

Oh my god, it was so hot when my boyfriend and I had sex, then he surprised me with the Oprah Winfrey.

by PhoenixFury36 May 18, 2016


To give gifts or spend money freely on someone, just like when Oprah gives away cars to the audience.

1. (a) You: Hey, do you need a car?

Other person: Yeah, I need a car. How much?

You: Nothing, I'm giving it to you for free...Oprah-style!

(b) Hey guys lunch is on me today..I'm doing it Oprah-style.

(c) Mr. Harris brought a gift for everyone in the office. He's really doing it Oprah-style.

by UnCommon Sense August 11, 2009


When you upgrade (a room, a car, a computer, etc) and you decide to replace/upgrade everything at the same time just to have all new things.

Did you hear that Nicole just Oprah-graded her computer? All new parts and her processor wasn't even a year old!

I wanted new counter tops, but everything had to match, so I Oprah-graded the kitchen. New flooring and everything!

by A Real Actual Ginger October 30, 2019

oprah winfreyphobia

The fear of large black show hosts

I had to go to the dermatologist because of my Oprah Winfreyphobia

by Jay dizzle February 2, 2015

Oprah's Bathwater

the tastiest, yummiest, thing on the planet.

it is a synonym for tasty, yummy, delicious, attractive

Thy Pipallo: Can I please Oprah your Winfrey
Beginner Troll: Oprah is hot
Thy Pipallo : SHE'S MINE B****
*drinks oprah's bathwater*

by ThyPipallo November 10, 2011

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Stinky Oprah

The act of defecating and storing it under someone's chair as a surprise gift.

My buddy was pissing me off so I gave him a Stinky Oprah in his office.

by All Beef Passy March 20, 2013

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