The legendary out of game Metal Ox in adopt me. Also has a fat asss...
Look at my legendary out of game Metal Ox!
Matthew Oxford Known as matt ox a internet sensation who was seen as a meme but established himself as an all time great by collating with Big Sosa (chief keef) & The great xxxtentacion 😁 Matt ox is making the biggest comeback of the year and is well respected
You know Matt Ox? Yeah He’s a god
While having sex doggy style, shove your penis up her ass, grab her hair, and cum while trying to tame your beast.
Sorry bro, I made your girlfriend my Iron Ox last night.
While having sex doggy style, shove your penis up her ass, grab her hair, and cum while trying to tame your beast.
Sorry bro, I made your girlfriend my Iron Ox last night.
Man A:You look like a Dead Ox but a little bit more Dead Ox than Dead Ox
When a grotesquely obese hooker brushes against your leg at a bar and leaves a cum stain (remaining from a long days work) on your jeans dripping onto your cowboy boots.
“Mother fucker, that fat ass whore just rubbed her nasty pussy on my knee and gave my good wranglers an ox stain.”
When you get cut off from a group. When you're in a large group but it gets separated.
I was with them but they ox-bowed me