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Peppa Pig

The act of having either vaginal or anal sex with a person that is obese or morbidly obese

OMG, did you see a video of amy lee from this band evanescence, I cannot believe she would fuck a fat person and post it to pornhub, she likes to fuck peppa pigs

by Shaelyn hater August 8, 2019

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peppa tang

You make me want to be a better man..

by s September 14, 2003

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naked peppa pig

a hot piece of ass. yummy steamy with all the fix ins. MEGA thick

"I lick my picture of naked peppa pig daily"

by Charlottesfatass March 15, 2022

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Lemon Peppa Steppas

Usually some new balance or Jordan flight teams.
It’s a song originated in Chicago by the creator moomoo.

β€œBitch I got the mothafuckin lemon peppa steppas bitch I step up in the club with these lemon peppas”

by cort too cold October 3, 2020

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Peppa Pig Addiction

When someone over 8 constantly watches Peppa Pig.

Person A: What do you wanna watch?
Person B: Peppa Pig.
Person A: Dude, you've got a Peppa Pig Addiction.
Person B: sO? YoU THiNk aDUltS cAN't WAtcH PepPA PiG!

by reeeman November 7, 2018

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lemon peppa steppas

Some ugly, chunky, way too big shoes that be funky

*girl wearing skinny jeans, a thrasher shirt, and chunky ass filas*
β€œUgh she got them lemon peppa steppas”

by Whatchugondo June 1, 2021

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peppa pig is queen

in the show peppa pig peppa is queen

person 1: tell me something!
person 2: peppa pig is queen

by reaganslol January 21, 2021

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