you were anally probed and was transferred to an alien ship. You woke up near plug and he starting "pull-up" stuntin, so you joined him. Therefore creating the infamous tiktok trend "pull up stuntin".
(plug a lil weird but i fw him)
a: yo you tryna go pull up stuntin with a martian plug later?
b: fuck yeah
To pull up with a toilet means to fight someone one on one, to say “Pull up with a plunger” means to jump someone or fight in a group
Man, ima pull up with a toilet on his ass
To come through with all that smack you've been talking
If I see Susie at the club tonight she better pull up big and say something to my face since she can't stop subtweeting me
The act of spraying Taco Bell hot sauce into your roomate’s underpants, causing such an intense burning that he jumps into the sky.
Oh no! I think jimbo cajington seemed to have done the ‘ol Georgian pull-up again! My sphincter feels like a fresh Doritos loco taco!
a meritless and fraudulent set(s)/repetitions of pronated pull-ups performed by exploiting the momentum gained through kipping cloaked as thoracic convulsions executed in an elliptical path on a standard, fixed, elevated, horizontal pull-up bar; it is often erroneously promoted by CrossFitters as a "functional movement."
Those CrossFit clowns love to claim that their CrossFit pull-ups are better for strength as a (purportedly) "functional" exercise when, in fact, it doesn't even measure true upper body strength since it relies on momentum - unlike a true or traditional pronated pull-up which is, when executed properly, a superior closed kinetic chain compound movement and a more appropriate indicator of upper body strength since the primary muscles involved (i.e., latissimus dorsi, trapezius, and biceps brachii) are forced to work (concentrically and eccentrically) WITHOUT utilizing momentum.
a meritless and fraudulent set(s)/repetitions of pronated pull-ups performed by exploiting the momentum gained through kipping cloaked as thoracic convulsions executed in an elliptical path on a standard, fixed, elevated, horizontal pull-up bar; it is often erroneously promoted by CrossFitters as a "functional movement."
Those CrossFit clowns love to claim that their CrossFit pull-ups are better for strength as a (purportedly) "functional" exercise when, in fact, it doesn't even measure true upper body strength since it relies on momentum - unlike a true or traditional pronated pull-up which is, when executed properly, a superior closed kinetic chain compound movement and a more appropriate indicator of upper body strength since the primary muscles involved (i.e., latissimus dorsi, trapezius, and biceps brachii) are forced to work (concentrically and eccentrically) WITHOUT utilizing momentum.
a meritless and fraudulent set(s)/repetitions of pronated pull-ups performed by exploiting the momentum gained through kipping cloaked as thoracic convulsions executed in an elliptical path on a standard, fixed, elevated, horizontal pull-up bar; it is erroneously promoted often by CrossFitters as a "functional movement"
Those CrossFit clowns love to claim that their CrossFit pull-ups are better for strength as a (purportedly) "functional" exercise when, in fact, it doesn't even measure true upper body strength since it relies on momentum - unlike a true or traditional pronated pull-up which is, when executed properly, a superior closed kinetic chain compound movement and a more appropriate indicator of upper body strength since the primary muscles involved (i.e., latissimus dorsi, trapezius, and biceps brachii) are forced to work (concentrically and eccentrically) WITHOUT utilizing momentum.