A set of circumstances, activities, or feelings that you would describe as "chill" or "cool", otherwise known as having a good reputation with you personally.
This is a phrase originating in Victoria, British Columbia, where it has all but replaced the phrase "that's chill" or
"that's cool".
Friend A: ...what's good my broski
Friend B: ...nada, just smokin' it up and watching the gongshow of the leaf games
Friend A: ...that's rep
A polite way of saying a drug dealer.
Dayum! Washington Heights got some cool dudes driving fast wheels. Yeah! They got money cuz, they is independent pharmaceutical reps.
Half reps in the gym. No intensity. Just on their phone. Working out thumbs more than any other muscle group.
You see that guy over there?
Yea he’s doing Peps Reps.
Dave: Who are you going to vote for grade rep?
Jennifer: I'm gonna vote for Roni M, obv. She's the best candidate for grade 9 rep.
rep yo city means that you belong to the streets of a city and live the men on those streets.
When one arm is a lot darker in shade than the other because of the effects of sun. Caused by one arm constantly hanging out of the car window.
#1 "Hey you look weird. Why is one arm so dark and one white?"
#2 "I suffer from reps arm because I drive a lot"
#1 "Then you need to lie on that side all the time on your holiday mate!"
to blow off seeing somebody, or going out.
Ex: Daquan: “Man shorty just canceled on me”
Jaylen: “ She ducking rep ong”