Slang for coronavirus
Dude i’ve been coughing a lot, i think i have the ronies
That boy with a fat ass dick and a tight booty
Omg Ronys booty so tight you can see it through his jeans 😋
Rony is an ABSOLUTELY amazing name- partially cuz i thought of it ;)
ANWAYSSSS this girl lovesssssss PAPAYAS and PARI PARI CHICKEN yeah!
Stay away from her, she got all the ronies; fever, cough, dandruff, bad credit... The 'rona got her.
A gay vegan that likes to eat plant based burgers that taste like meat with a cucumber up his ass
Has anyone tried the new burger at hungry jacks. its a real Rony
Roni fever is a certain condition that only occurs when you indulge in roni like activities such as rett and roni love
Ty “man I saw roni last night and wow I think I’m boutta catch a case of roni fever”
Rett “oh man let me tell ya, that fever ain’t ever goin’ away”