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saul is the shortest guy ever, and if you judge him before you know him you’ll see him as some popular guy who loves girls. but he is actually very gay. not really but he is super weird, super nice and supportive, the worlds best listener, super dooper smile. he’s got the nicest voice you’ll ever hear that could actually put you to sleep and goes very well with his guitar skills. He is effortlessly good at everything. There isn’t one feature that isn’t perfect about saul.

Saul is such a genuine soul.

woah who’s that effortlessly cool guy
duh that’s saul chilli

hm good looking fella over there
yeah that’s just saul.

by ginny and georgia lover 101 June 8, 2024


saul is the shortest guy ever, and if you judge him before you know him you’ll see him as some popular guy who loves girls. but he is actually very gay. not really but he is super weird, super nice and supportive, the worlds best listener, super dooper smile. he’s got the nicest voice you’ll ever hear that could actually put you to sleep and goes very well with his guitar skills. He is effortlessly good at everything. There isn’t one feature that isn’t perfect about saul.

Saul is such a genuine soul.

woah who’s that effortlessly cool guy
duh that’s saul chilli

hm good looking fella over there
yeah that’s just saul.

by ginny and georgia lover 101 June 8, 2024


saul is the shortest guy ever, and if you judge him before you know him you’ll see him as some popular guy who loves girls. but he is actually very gay. not really but he is super weird, super nice and supportive, the worlds best listener, super dooper smile. he’s got the nicest voice you’ll ever hear that could actually put you to sleep and goes very well with his guitar skills. He is effortlessly good at everything. There isn’t one feature that isn’t perfect about saul.

Saul is such a genuine soul.

woah who’s that effortlessly cool guy
duh that’s saul chilli

hm good looking fella over there
yeah that’s just saul.

by ginny and georgia lover 101 June 8, 2024


Saul is such an annoying guy. His voice will always be squeaky and loud. He will always leave the room whenever he thinks he has to do work. If you ever see a Saul, never talk to him. His flirting skills are so bad and he will be lonly forever.

Ali: Ewwww, here comes Saul.
Logan: Hurry, i'll hold him off.

by Looser 15 December 2, 2023


Saul is a very difficult person to understand. They are typically Asian and are very smart. They tend to be feisty, and toxic, but they are very good at concealing their toxicity to make it seem like they are perfect. They like to cook and are slow eaters. Every now and then, they will grow an extra leg from their back and use it to scale large inclines, such as their walls or ceiling. Be sure to feed them twice a day and water them frequently. They are very insecure about their height since they are relatively short. To train them, use a dog treat, (not a cat treat. They will cause dangerous allergic reactions that close their throat and causes blood clots in their throat and stomach. They need to learn the basics, such as fetch, speak, and sit. Treat a Saul with care, and don't aggravate them. They will release their ultimate move, The Kickatron. This move makes them extremely agile and lets them kick at extremely high forces with insane amounts of speed and strength. They will chase you while doing this until they land one hit. Treat you're Saul with care.

Saul owner: Saul! Stop biting my shoe!
Saul owner: I'm sorry.

by Coolkidlovesbeef9213 October 24, 2020


This kid that is kinda funny sometimes but try’s to hard to make others laugh. He is to caught up in “the boyz” and doesn’t really care about anything unless it’s if your gonna game with him or if your gonna be with “the boyz” on Saturday when you already told him that you can’t cause you have a date with your gf. Also he calls you words that he doesn’t even know how to use.

Saul: aRe YoU gOnNa Be WiTh ThE bOyZ oN sAtUrDaY???
Me: No I have a date with her I can’t
Saul: *😤😡* SIMP!

by Your Knee Capz March 13, 2020


a boy that can be funny sometimes and try’s to hard to make people laugh, he can get mad over ANYTHING and holds a grudge on people that didn’t even do anything. He’s to caught up in “the boyz” ,he thinks that he’s a key part to “the boyz” and calls people words that he doesn’t even know how to use. Also he doesn’t really care about your outside life much, he mainly cares if your going to hang with “the boyz” on Saturday when you have a date with someone who you are already with.

Saul: oH wHy DoNt YoU hAnG wItH tHe BoYz On SaTuRdAy InStEaD oF hEr???

Me: Cause she’s my gf and I want to spend time with her

Saul: *😤* SiMp

by Your Knee Capz March 13, 2020