A stinker ball is a whitish colored popcorn-like ball that is usually coughed up. When said ball is smashed, the smell is like death.
I coughed up a white thing and omg it smelled so bad. I shall call this creature stinker ball
When you are enjoying anal sex with a significant other and they start trying to push out a big 'ol stinker.
Yo I was slamming Rebecca in the ass and she started pullin off an In-N-Out Stinker and I just pulled out and washed my dick off. My disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined.
Someone who is slow on a two stroke
He's a little stinker on tht two stroke
A person who is extremely unattractive, and would not touch with your "bare knuckles".
Jack - "Omg, look at the girl, she's ugly as"
Joe - "Yeah man, she's a bare knuckle stinker..."
In baseball, when a pitcher has an outright horrific performance to the point the home crowd may even be booing their own team. Usually the type of game you will be leaving early -- a stinkfest.
Billy: did you see the game last night bro?
Hubert: dude, Shawn tossed a stinker giving up 9 runs in one inning... it was so bad even our home crowd was booing -- total stinkfest -- embarrassed I was even there bro. Shawn's ERA is ruined for the rest of the season now LMAO
When the famous Ruby Frankie toots out loud real loud. And leaves a nice yummy scent.
That Ruby Frankie just stinkered, it smells devious in here.
You just got stinkered tag a little stinker to unstink yourself